why is redemptor hominis important
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why is redemptor hominis important

why is redemptor hominis important

Gratitude is due to Paul VI because, while respecting every particle of truth contained in the various human opinions, he preserved at the same time the providential balance of the bark's helmsman14. This is a very important missionary text. The common good that authority in the State serves is brought to full realization only when all the citizens are sure of their rights. Cf. Pulled by manifold attractions, he is constantly forced to choose among them and to renounce some. Since man's true freedom is not found in everything that the various systems and individuals see and propagate as freedom, the Church, because of her divine mission, becomes all the more the guardian of this freedom, which is the condition and basis for the human person's true dignity. This task has grown enormously today because of the advance of human learning, its methodology, and the achievements in knowledge of the world and of man. Man therefore lives increasingly in fear. Jn. Reference to Paul VI's first Encyclical. "Heal our wounds, our strength renew; On our dryness pour your dew; Wash the stains of guilt away; Bend the stubborn heart and will; Melt the frozen, warm the chill; Guide the steps that go astray"133. 1:28.95. The Second Vatican Council devoted very special attention to showing how this "ontological" community of disciples and confessors must increasingly become, even from the "human" point of view, a community aware of its own life and activity. THE REDEEMER OF MAN, Jesus Christ, is the centre of the universe and of history. Ibid.196. ADDRESSED BY THE SUPREME PONTIFF JOHN PAUL II TO HIS VENERABLE BROTHERS IN THE EPISCOPATE THE PRIESTS, THE RELIGIOUS FAMILIES THE SONS AND DAUGHTERS OF THE CHURCH AND TO ALL MEN AND WOMEN OF GOOD WILL AT THE BEGINNING OF HIS PAPAL MINISTRY. In order to be able to serve others worthily and effectively we must be able to master ourselves, possess the virtues that make this mastery possible. 3:16.67. 5:11; Col. 1:20.49. For this reason the Church in our time attaches great importance to all that is stated by the Second Vatican Council in its Declaration on Religious Freedom, both the first and the second part of the document77. The Church's mission and human freedom. 1-2.100. The same line was followed in the work of the last ordinary session of the Synod of the Bishops, held about a year before the death of Pope Paul VI and dedicated, as is known, to catechesis. DIVES IN MISERICORDIA. "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied"178. 11:29.14. His is a love that does not draw back before anything that justice requires in him. Likewise the Church, which has struck root in many varied fields of the life of the whole of present-day humanity, also acquires the certainty and, one could say, the experience of being close to man, to each person, of being each person's Church, the Church of the People of God. THE CHURCH'S MISSION AND MAN'S DESTINY, 18. Through this force the Church is united with the Spirit of Christ, that Holy Spirit promised and continually communicated by the Redeemer and whose descent, which was revealed on the day of Pentecost, endures for ever. Heb. ; Decree on Priestly Training Optatam Totius, 15: AAS 58 (1966) 722.152. Cf. Lk. 2:8.157. In the light of this teaching, we see still more clearly the reason why the entire sacramental life of the Church and of each Christian reaches its summit and fullness in the Eucharist. 14:9.30. Vatican Council II: Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World Gaudium et Spes, 35: AAS 58 (1966) 1053; Pope Paul VI: Address to Diplomatic Corps, January 7, 1965: AAS 57 (1965) 232; Encyclical Populorum Progressio, 14: AAS 59 (1967) 264.103. We also are in a certain way in a season of a new Advent, a season of expectation: "In many and various ways God spoke of old to our fathers by the prophets; but in these last days he has spoken to us by a Son..."3, by the Son, his Word, who became man and was born of the Virgin Mary. Rom. Unceasingly contemplating the whole of Christ's mystery, the Church knows with all the certainty of faith that the Redemption that took place through the Cross has definitively restored his dignity to man and given back meaning to his life in the world, a meaning that was lost to a considerable extent because of sin. Cf. Q: It you had to suggest a page of "Redemptor Hominis" to rediscover, which one would you indicate? It showed furthermore that this map of the world's religions has superimposed on it, in previously unknown layers typical of our time, the phenomenon of atheism in its various forms, beginning with the atheism that is programmed, organized and structured as a political system. I was constantly amazed at his profound wisdom and his courage and also by his constancy and patience in the difficult postconciliar period of his pontificate. This consideration will perhaps remain in part an "abstract" one. The disciples are to live in unity with one another, remaining in the Father and the Son, so that the world may know and believe (cf. This unity in the various fields of the life, tradition, structures and discipline of the individual Christian Churches and ecclesial Communities cannot be brought about without effective work aimed at getting to know each other and removing the obstacles blocking the way to perfect unity. Pope Paul VI: Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Nuntiandi, 6: AAS 68 (1976) 9.80. 5:1; cf. Every member of the Church, especially Bishops and Priests, must be vigilant in seeing that this Sacrament of love shall be at the centre of the life of the People of God, so that through all the manifestations of worship due to it Christ shall be given back «love for love "and truly become "the life of our souls"170. Preface of Christian Death, I.124. Jn. Vatican Council II: Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World Gaudium et Spes, 22: AAS 58 (1966) 1042.116. Cf. Mt. Redemptor hominis (RH) can be viewed, especially in the light of subsequent documents and events, as a programmatic statement revealing many of the themes that have come to define the pontificate. The principle of solidarity, in a wide sense, must inspire the effective search for appropriate institutions and mechanisms, whether in the sector of trade, where the laws of healthy competition must be allowed to lead the way, or on the level of a wider and more immediate redistribution of riches and of control over them, in order that the economically developing peoples may be able not only to satisfy their essential needs but also to advance gradually and effectively. In any case, we cannot fail to recall at this point, with esteem and profound hope for the future, the magnificent effort made to give life to the United Nations Organization, an effort conducive to the definition and establishment of man's objective and inviolable rights, with the member States obliging each other to observe them rigorously. 5:10; 1 Pt. 1:43.184. 2:26.76. I chose the same names that were chosen by my beloved Predecessor John Paul I. Today I wish to make that reply known publicly to all without exception, thus showing that there is a link between the first fundamental truth of the Incarnation, already mentioned, and the ministry that, with my acceptance of my election as Bishop of Rome and Successor of the Apostle Peter, has become my specific duty in his See. Have we gone far along that road? This century has so far been a century of great calamities for man, of great devastations, not only material ones but also moral ones, indeed perhaps above all moral ones. Admittedly it is not easy to compare one age or one century with another under this aspect, since that depends also on changing historical standards. Rom. As we reflect again on this stupendous text from the Council's teaching, we do not forget even for a moment that Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God, become our reconciliation with the Father48. Vatican Council II: Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World Gaudium et Spes, 22: AAS 58 (1966) 1042-1043.48. ; Pope Paul VI, Encyclical Populorum Progressio AAS 59 (1967) 257-299.105. Redemptor Hominis includes many references to Vatican documents and scripture. Acts 1:14.203. It is the community of the disciples, each of whom in a different way-at times very consciously and consistently, at other times not very consciously and very inconsistently-is following Christ. After all, peace comes down to respect for man's inviolable rights-Opus iustitiae pax-while war springs from the violation of these rights and brings with it still graver violations of them. 1:12.120. ... Man who in his reality has, because he is a "person", a history of his life that is his own and, most important, a history of his soul that is his own. b. redemptor hominis_b. These are proving incapable either of remedying the unjust social situations inherited from the past or of dealing with the urgent challenges and ethical demands of the present. Jn. 5:5-11.165. Gen. 1 passim.39. 14:26.79. In this creative restlessness beats and pulsates what is most deeply human-the search for truth, the insatiable need for the good, hunger for freedom, nostalgia for the beautiful, and the voice of conscience. If therefore our time, the time of our generation, the time that is approaching the end of the second millennium of the Christian era, shows itself a time of great progress, it is also seen as a time of threat in many forms for man. It’s also noteworthy that in the same section of his heretical encyclical, Redemptor Hominis, John Paul II teaches that coming closer with representatives of non-Christian religions must be applied through activities such as “prayer in common”. By celebrating and also partaking of the Eucharist we unite ourselves with Christ on earth and in heaven who intercedes for us with the Father158 but we always do so through the redeeming act of his Sacrifice, through which he has redeemed us, so that we have been "bought with a price"159. The redemption of the world-this tremendous mystery of love in which creation is renewed-53 is, at its deepest root, the fullness of justice in a human Heart-the Heart of the First-born Son-in order that it may become justice in the hearts of many human beings, predestined from eternity in the Firstborn Son to be children of God54 and called to grace, called to love. Cf. 1:14.2. The Redeemer of the world! "When the Counsellor comes, whom I shall send to you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, who proceeds from the Father, he will bear witness to me; and you also are witnesses, because you have been with me from the beginning"6. 3. Certainly the curtailment of the religious freedom of individuals and communities is not only a painful experience but it is above all an attack on man's very dignity, independently of the religion professed or of the concept of the world which these individuals and communities have. Against a background of the ever increasing historical processes, which seem at the present time to have results especially within the spheres of various systems, ideological concepts of the world and regimes, Jesus Christ becomes, in a way, newly present, in spite of all his apparent absences, in spite of all the limitations of the presence and of the institutional activity of the Church. At the same time, however, she is internally more strengthened against the excesses of self-criticism: she can be said to be more critical with regard to the various thoughtless criticisms, more resistent with respect to the various "novelties", more mature in her spirit of discerning, better able to bring out of her everlasting treasure "what is new and what is old"15, more intent on her own mystery, and because of all that more serviceable for her mission of salvation for all: God "desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth"16. Carry on a dialogue with them about it one life: that which is each.. Of this union of Christ 's body, the Church 's mission in the Spirit of and! Meaning in why is redemptor hominis important mystery of the Redemption. way for the Church 's Relations Non-Christian... Demands why is redemptor hominis important he act according to a higher life the deep need of faith, hope charity... 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