slavorum apostoli summary
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slavorum apostoli summary

slavorum apostoli summary

Recalling the holy lives and apostolic merits of the two Brothers from Salonika, Pope Leo XIII fixed their annual liturgical feast on 7 July. It is understandable that in such a situation differences sometimes came to be regarded as a threat to a still incomplete unity. The Brothers from Salonika were not only heirs of the faith but also heirs of the culture of Ancient Greece, continued by Byzantium. Situations of opposition often weighed upon them in all their uncertain and painful complexity. An exception can be made for music videos.". Exemplary too was their determination to assimilate and identify themselves with all the needs and expectations of the Slav peoples. INTRODUCTION. About three years later, while travelling to Rome, they stopped in Pannonia where the Slav Prince Kocel, who had fled from the important civil and religious center of Nitra, gave them a hospitable reception. In virtue of this catholicity each individual part of the Church contributes through its special gifts to the good of the other parts and of the whole Church. Learn more about his life and papacy. The catholicity of the Church is manifested in the active joint responsibility and generous cooperation of all for the sake of the common good. It meant leaving the area of the Byzantine Empire and undertaking a long pilgrimage in the service of the Gospel among peoples that, in many aspects, were still very alien to the system of civil society based on the advanced organization of the State and the refined culture of Byzantium, imbued with Christian principles. From them also comes for the Christians and-people of our time the invitation to build communion together. However much it may humanly speaking seem filled with threats and uncertainties, we trustfully place it in your hands, Heavenly Father, invoking upon it the intercession of the Mother of your Son and Mother of the Church, the intercession of your Apostles Peter and Paul, and of Saints Benedict, Cyril and Methodius, of Augustine and Boniface and all the other evangelizers of Europe who, strong in faith, hope and charity, proclaimed to our fathers your salvation and your peace, and amid the toils of the spiritual sowing began to build the civilization of love and the new order based on your holy law and the help of your grace, which at the end of the age will give life to all things and all people in the heavenly Jerusalem. Rather does she foster and take to herself, insofar as they are good, the abilities, resources, and customs of each people. Internews 1. May it never fade from the memories of our contemporaries! 2. Veritatis Splendor responds to questions of moral theology that had been raised in the Church, especially in the latter half of the 20th century. May be read online at the Holy See , which has a second copy at this page , at , at the John Paul II Foundation , and at the Catholic Information Network . 11. Then there were his obligations to the Church of Rome, thanks to which he fulfilled his charge as Archbishop in "the territory of Saint Peter";27 likewise his obligations to that Church growing in the lands of the Slavs, which he accepted as his own and successfully defended-convinced of his just-right before the ecclesiastical and civil authorities, protecting in particular the liturgy in the Old Slavonic language and the fundamental ecclesiastical rights proper to the Churches in the various nations. Varietates Legitimae here cites yet another document by Pope John Paul II, namely the 1985 encyclical Slavorum Apostoli and his January 17, 1987 address to the Pontifical Council for Culture plenary assembly. Furthermore, the translation of the sacred books, carried out by Cyril and Methodius together with their pupils, conferred a capacity and cultural dignity upon the Old Slavonic liturgical language, which became for many hundreds of years not only the ecclesiastical but also the official and literary language, and even the common language of the more educated classes of the greater part of the Slav nations, and in particular of all the Slavs of the Eastern Rite. Pope Pius XII Social teachings. Slavorum Apostoli (2 iun 1985), AAS 77 (1985) 779-813 ... Notes: Virtually every article in these two volumes provides a French and an English summary. Slavorum Apostoli: Encyclical Epistle in Commemoration of the Eleventh Centenary of the Evangelizing Work of Saints Cyril and Methodius, by Pope John Paul II (2 June 1985). Feb 14 – Saints Cyril (1) (d 869) and Methodius (d. 885) 14 February, 2012 . Chupungco, Anscar J. Liturgical Inculturation. IV. They realized that an essential condition of the success of their missionary activity was to transpose correctly Biblical notions and Greek theological concepts into a very different context of thought and historical experience. In 1980 they were named by Pope John Paul II along with St Benedict as co-patrons of Europe. This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license. by Pope John Paul II. Those chosen were Saints Cyril and Methodius, who readily accepted, set out and, probably by the year 863, reached Greater Moravia-a State then including various Slav peoples of Central Europe, at the crossroads of the mutual influences between East and West. Together with a great respect for persons and a disinterested concern for their true good, the two holy Brothers had the resources of energy, prudence, zeal and charity needed for bringing the light to the future believers, and at the same time for showing them what is good and offering concrete help for attaining it. 4 (March 1994): 3. The play looks at humanity's ideas and expectations of romantic love and marriage. At the same time, they can recognized their role at the service of the whole history of the humanity created by God the Father, redeemed by the Son our Savior and enlightened by the Holy Spirit. Unless you are simply sharing music, please post a summary, or the gist, of the video you wish to share. In very concise form, each letter is examined for its main teaching points and presented in an easy to understand manner. Extol him, all peoples!".34. May it never fail in Europe and in the world of today! Their special charisms have become still better understood in the light of the situations and experiences of our own times. Their generous decision to identify themselves with those peoples' life and traditions, once having purified and enlightened them by Revelation, make Cyril and Methodius true models for all the missionaries who in every period have accepted Saint Paul's invitation to become all things to all people in order to redeem all. The events of the last hundred years and especially of the last decades have helped to revive in the Church not only the religious memory of the two holy Brothers but also a historical and cultural interest in them. Indeed all the cultures of the Slav nations owe their "beginning" or development to the work of the Brothers from Salonika. But they always succeeded in maintaining perfect orthodoxy and consistent attention both to the deposit of tradition and to the new elements in the lives of the peoples being evangelized. Cyril and Methodius are as it were the connecting links or spiritual bridge between the Eastern and Western traditions, which both come together in the one great Tradition of the universal Church. 3. [20] Cf. (6 November 1999) The division was accentuated by the question of where Bulgaria, which had just officially accepted Christianity, canonically belonged. John Paul II, Encyclical Letter Slavorum Apostoli (2 June 1985), 18: AAS 77 (1985), 800. For the purposes of evangelization, the two holy Brothers-as their biographies indicate-undertook the difficult task of translating the texts of the Sacred Scriptures, which they knew in Greek, into the language of the Slav population which had settled along the borders of their own region and native city. Indeed it can be said that their memory is particularly vivid and relevant to our day. Both Christian traditions-the Eastern deriving from Constantinople and the Western deriving from Rome arose in the bosom of the one Church, even though against the background of different cultures and of a different approach to the same problems. Summary. Thus he retired secretly to a monastery on the Black Sea coast. The Significance and Influence of the Christian Millennium in the Slav World Towards a Pastoral Approach to Culture How can the Church re-evangelize the cultures which were once thoroughly Christian, but have now lapsed into secularism? The pontiff's thinking faces open ... SA Slavorum apostoli SRS Sollicitudo rei socialis UUS Ut Unum sint VS Veritatis splendor. It may take years to thoroughly read through, and a lifetime to digest, the 14 God-breathed encyclicals by St. John Paul the Great. Already in their time certain differences between Constantinople and Rome had begun to appear as pretexts for disunity, even though the deplorable split between the two parts of the same Christian world was still in the distant future. In a certain sense it wells up and develops every day as something new from the unanimous faith of all those who believe in God, One and Three, revealed by Jesus Christ and preached by the Church through the power of the Holy Spirit. Byzantine in culture, the brothers Cyril and Methodius succeeded in becoming apostles of the Slavs in the full sense of the word. The Jeweler's Shop (subtitled "A Meditation on the Sacrament of Matrimony, Passing on Occasion into a Drama") (Polish: Przed sklepem jubilera) is a three-act play, written by Pope John Paul II in 1960, that looks at three couples as their lives become intertwined and mingled with one another.. -May they follow, in conformity with their own conscience, the voice of your call along the paths shown to them for the first time eleven centuries ago! Paul VI, Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii nuntiandi, 19-20: AAS 69 (1976), 18-19. The Pope of Slav origin in a special way thanks you for this. The Lord said to Abraham: "Go from your country and your kindred and your father's house to the land that I will show you. However, it is worthy of note that about the middle of the tenth century, at the time of Saint Wenceslaus, there was still a strong intermingling of the elements of both rites, and an advanced coexistence of both languages in the liturgy: Slavonic and Latin. At the end of each summary there is a list of questions for personal or group reflection. All of this they bore with strong faith and indomitable hope in God. And in particular for the missionaries who, from ancient times until the present day, from Europe to Asia and today in every continent, have labored to translate the Bible and the texts of the liturgy into the living languages of the various peoples, so as to bring them the one word of God, thus made accessible in each civilization's own forms of expression. 23. By reason of his exceptional intellectual and religious talents and knowledge, there were entrusted to him while he has still a young man delicate ecclesiastical appointments, such as that of Librarian of the Archive attached to the great church of Holy Wisdom in Constantinople, and, simultaneously, the prestigious position of Secretary to the Patriarch of that city. Thus he would always remain a teacher for all those who, in whatever age, seek to eliminate discord by respecting the manifold fullness of the Church, which, conforming to the will of its Founder Jesus Christ, must be always one, holy, catholic and apostolic. The Church or People of God takes nothing away from the temporal welfare of any people by establishing that kingdom. The third was the beginning, precisely in 1980, of the happy and promising theological dialogue between the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Churches on the Island of Patmos. -Aware of their dignity as human beings and children of God, may they have the strength to overcome all hatred and to conquer evil with good! 29. Get the best deals on Poste Vaticane Stamp when you shop the largest online selection at Ecclesia de Eucharistia, Fides et Ratio , Ut Unum Sint, Evan gelium Vitae, Veritatis Splendor, Centesimus Annus, Rede mptoris Missio, Sollicitudo Rei Socialis, Redemptoris Mater, Dominum et Vivificantem, Slavorum Apostoli, Laborem Exercens,Dives et Misericordia, Redemptor Hominis But the fact remains that the beginnings of Christianity in Poland are in a way linked with the work of the Brothers who set out from distant Salonika. Both the Brothers were aware of the antiquity and legitimacy of these traditions, and were therefore not afraid to use the Slavonic language in the liturgy and lo make it into an effective instrument for bringing the divine truths to those who spoke it. Now that eleven centuries have passed since his death, I desire to be present at least spiritually in Velehrad, where-it seems-Providence enabled Methodius to end his apostolic life: -I desire also to pause in the Basilica of Saint Clement in Rome, in the place where Saint Cyril was buried; -and at the Tombs of both these Brothers, the Apostles of the Slavs, I desire to recommend to the Most Blessed Trinity their spiritual heritage with a special prayer. For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. 28. Pastores Gregis October 16, 2003 [Apostolic Exhortation] This Church grew even stronger when through the explicit consent of the Pope it received a native hierarchy, rooted in the apostolic succession and remaining in unity of faith and love both with the Church of Rome and with that of Constantinople, from which the Slav mission had begun. Indeed it can be said that their memory is particularly vivid and relevant to our day. Slavorum Apostoli (Latin: The Apostles of the Slavs) is an encyclical written by Pope John Paul II in 1985. The Church is catholic also because she is able to present in every human context the revealed truth, preserved by her intact in its divine content, in such a way as to bring it into contact with the lofty thoughts and just expectations of every individual and every people. This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license. Situation — Orthodoxie, Katholizismus und Reformation, in: Theologische Prinzipienlehre, Munich, 1982, 203-208 centers! Bore fruit in an easy to understand manner and sisters, My Blessing... Romantic love and marriage unless you are simply sharing music, please post a summary, the. ( 1 ) ( d 869 ) and Methodius ( d. 885 ) 14 February, 2012 generous exchange cultural! Sa Slavorum Apostoli ( the Apostles of the above-mentioned Encyclical Epistle Grande Munus origin a... 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