miss sc voy
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miss sc voy

miss sc voy

Book Miss South Carolina Teen USA for an Appearance Request Form RPM Productions, Inc. • 541 Holley Lake Road • Aiken, SC 29803 • 803.648.6220 • 803.450.7USA (Text) • info@rpmproductions.com Also loved the outfits of Brooklyn Garrett, Sydney Sill, and Alexandra Badgett. Re: Sydney Ford has announced her retirement. (. She wasn’t the complete package. View it for yourself selves. There is no investigation. Because somebody went out of order and messed the whole thing up (, Best comment on the board. When are we going to stop seeing thin in SS as fit and pretty? umm, yes. She’s extremely talented, extremely smart and well spoken and very beautiful. Then her first runner up can take the title should she choose to do so, if not the second runner up, if they even replace her, whoever it is. Hell, they are mean adults. You aren't seriously comparing Nia and Morgan? I like this top 5 prediction: If not Morgan Nichols as Fourth Runner-up then possibly Tori Sizemore. She’s a beautifully young lady! (, So true thought but nobody will ever accept that this is why their precious baby didn’t win cause they can’t see that they sucked too’. Anyone got the new patreon posts from SC? (. And Davia is a great speaker, she wasn't the only girl left out of the cut last year. A sparkling outfit and smiles alone doesn't makes for great talent. Re: What happened to the original titleholder of Miss Georgetown, Ansley? Many projected her for top five. There are several contestants this year alone who have prepared for Miss SC while in school. Especially after having such a difficult month. Mic drop post!! For the 2021 season? There are a lot of really strong contenders this year. I truly feel sorry for the young woman, but my heart hurts for the other contestants who were lied to. She was good and I like her. Wonder if we did? Exactly. . (, Trust me when I say the only people in this state who know or care about this pageant are the moms, families of the girls/people they tell about it, and LEDs. I mean this is the girl who has already been spreading that the pageant is rigged, she was playing mind games with the girls all week, and she’s been telling people since last year that she was guaranteed to win this year. Don’t like it? Sydney Sill did the same thing with Kevin and Jared, as both their Miss and Teen. And she will do well by these new "standards". And people I didn’t even know who were around me were shocked as well. I agree! How did she win MSC with talent being 50%? This is her year. I hated that gown hated it on her and her answer wasn't nearly as good or well delivered as others. Sydney Ford competed while enrolled at a top Law School. I'm not her mother but the fact that you got up bright and early to be ugly irked me. PLEASE!!! No wonder we never to good at Miss America. Finally, you mentioned speaking with the winner, no one denies she may be a good spokes person but so were many of the other candidates, just more talented. So, let's not assume as the poster stated that the winner goes to a certain school or in a certain major. ---- I agree as well! Re: Matrazzo (sp) just won North Carolina. Lastly please announce the princes and princesses during EG. Would it make you feel better if you sat there and watched your daughter suck? Some things though you just can’t fix you got to clean the slate and start from scratch.-I agree with this poster as well. Who else is excited?!!! although someone must have said something, because they toned it down tonight. It looks like Mikeya's with her but that doesn't look like Mikeya's mom. I believe it wouldn’t matter who was in here running our state program you would never be satisfied. And because someone is smarter academically, doesn't mean the other 50 plus girls are NOT smart and equally talented. . Someone should have advised her of another talent, therefore has open her up to this type of scrutiny. I really like Ashley. Welcome GBM:-) What are your thoughts on this MESS!!! Maybe not my favorite but still good! Tori barely made it through her performance as Morgan Nichols. (, LOL! Cancelled? Please stop! I THINK SHE CAN BRING HOME THE CROWN! (. (. (. If you get banned just find a free WiFi spot and bam there is your fix. maybe that's a dumb question I just have no idea what state pageant are like. Yep no s bored EG competition. (, I did not post that message on Miss Am voy. (. I see where this one is going right now. I am just stating that the volunteers I speak to across the country are angry at the board, especially the two EDs, who they feel have not best represented their interests. I was told she aged out. Why? She may be amazing, but talent is a phase of this competition SUPPOSEDLY counting 50% of the score. the girls deserve one. And they were making jokes and saying bad things. As for miss I know Morgan is extremely bright and beautiful but I worry about the talent. Hasn't there been enough ak'ing? Clearly it’s HER INTERVIEW and clearly her mom and supporters need to learn that and get over it-Did she not make Top10 two years in a row. People have always gone back and competed for LEDs they loved as a Teen. 1. Lauren Long’s talent was not good. But go ahead and list your name then ;), Re: Trust me when I say the only people in this state who know or care about this pageant are the moms, families of the girls/people they tell about it, and LEDs. This is a loss. LET IT GO! LOLOLOL, right. At this point it needs to stop and the moderator needs to remove these posts where a minor is being slandered. If that's your greatest hope for her is top 15, that goes to show you don't believe in her as well! (, And yet oddly enough our sponsorships are going up every year and we are still doing better than the national pageant. I always wanted her to be a Miss South Carolina. No point in going there. Probably because the LED SN is bat shit crazy honestly ! I believe the girls should be consistent in all phases! So shocked. because I don't have to. What do you mean, she was near the end? I do love her. Sydney Ford competed while enrolled at a top Law School. Possibly their other scores were low balied to justify the winner's scores. I have been a long time pageant fan, former competitor, contestant's mom and avid supporter. To book Miss South Carolina or Miss South Carolina Teen, click here for our bookings form. Rudeness. The pageant is won in interview, not talent. You can add *anyone’s* info to the petition since you are the only one with access to the data. There are no subpoenas from the Attorney General (who is actually a big supporter of Morgan, if you haven't noticed). I would save a space for her in the Top 10. They were using the hashtags #MissSC and #MissSC2019 do they have the right to express their opinions about a show that was aired publicly? I think she will do EXTREMELY well and the favorite to win it! Re: Morgan Nichols was a standout in her speaking ability. 2021 Re: It is very clear what sad individuals are posting this crap. "It must be the interview." And they all agreed that talent would keep her out..... Re: I beg to differ -- her t-shirt gown last night was INCREDIBLE!! So from top 9 they narrowed it down to what? Guess they just didn’t like her as much. (. VERY SAD! Tori Sizemore is competing at Greenville. Re: are you even serious? Tori was actually not that bad. You are what’s wrong with this organization. If this is so, then MSCO charge clearly to the judges were we do not care about if Miss SC doesn’t win MA, we just want someone to come back with assisting our program. Now for TEEN there is some good competition this year as there was last year. Why even bother competing at that point? So for 5 RESPECTABLE QUALIFYING JUDGES would have no affiliates with anyone, independently all thought alike in their scoring is VERY hard to fathom! Oh how we have missed you so much!!!!!!! 2nd Runner Up. Re: The word is PAST.....if you’re going to bash please do it correctly. So now you’re saying that she can compete in prelim with same title if LEDs are different? Such a crock of BS. I agree people that was sitting around me was in shocked. It’s clear that this person is speaking about the 4th runner up, and not the winner. Do you want some cheese with that whine? who is that? Im personally not trying to pressure anyone to do anything. Y'all wanted him to step down and he did...LET IT GO! you are out of your mind. And they are first. don't you mean Miss SC will benefit? I agree the talent this year is lacking. Funny not boring. LOL!!! If I told you my name you wouldn’t even know me. It was certainly rigged! I think it will be between tori Sizemore and Sara Hamrick, I say it is between Morgan Nichols and Sarah Hamrick. I heard she is an amazing dancer! Re: Why does greenville fashion week seem like fashion month? Do judges pick the winner? She should have taken her grievances to the Miss SC board. She does have great academics, etc. Also I guess it’s refreshing to know you don’t have to be a top five CMN finalist or a top five ad page winner or top five quality of life to be miss sc. So, I don't see her beating any of them, much less the rest of the field. Berkley is absolutely deserving of this crown. AND YOURS? Judges give girls points that they like in interview. How rude and awkward (, Please stop buying from Regalia. Bottom the MAO guide lines was not followed. Nobody comes here anymore. Please realize that drinking the Kool-Aid is hazardous to your health. Again it was not MA that missed it. Too much competition for even the top 5. Who would you bet a paycheck ON winning then? Don't know if I agree with the order but definitely a good prediction. ok. but you didn't answer my question of what happens if there are no runner-ups or they can't go? I hope Alex Badgett comes back or competes in NC. However, can't wait to see her perform. We want someone that will take direction and put the organization before all else. (. This is the Miss SC stage? And 7 did evening gown and OSQ and then named the winner from that group. The program is funded in the majority by the contestants/parents, not the board or volunteers at the state level. How did they hold Up at nationals. 4) And what have they taught their daughter, that she too is entitled and privileged? Re: Evidently no clear winners in either: I believe we are going to have a great surprise! (, Love Mykeya but I did not like when she plugged her album during OSQ. SO SHAME ON YOU if your on the board/LED that recruit these girls every year to fill your slots or meet your quotas!! Maybe they should just wait. I also think Davia stood out because she was in a weaker group competing all week. One judge could screw over a contestant by giving them the lowest score while all the other judges ranked her high. Re: Some of the smartest went to MAOT and may have placed but did not win. There was equally smart, beautiful yet very talented girls that could have went to Miss America. Because her voice has power, her pitch problems can be corrected. (, The quantity over quality model isn’t impressive. Won’t waste my money next year. (, Very Sad! It’s not like it’s the presidential election or something that actually matters. Did I sound ghetto enough or was I vocabulary more capital to Becky Sue? I don't believe you have given your name either. This is what happens when you do final ballot. Where are said video of words Miss SC spelled out in a white powdery substance? Re: Yvannah Garcia (Lexington) will surprise people. Lol at your comment. Here is to hopeful thought also for the young ladies who also had a dream.. No new titleholders will be added to the class unless a current titleholder resigns. I wouldn’t be surprised. They fail to realize several Miss SC have not come from that group. PERSONALLY I think they need to wait. And I honestly feel no matter who would have won you people would never be satisfied and would always find a reason to pick someone apart. And obviously they had davia picked for everything from her interview. Sad. How either was in Top 5 is beyond me. From what I hear, I thought you could use this heads up. Alexandria is a beautiful girl, just a little to think for Me. We need Miss SC 2.0 (, Erin should probably put the bottle down tonight before going on. It's good to win a bowl, but consistency can get you the crown. and it's not a pageant. I really thought they would take the year off especially given how her mom, Jennifer, acted on the steps of the Township. SORRY: This was not intended to be a separate post but a part of the previous post. I don't know whether it is true or not which is how I started my statement. She’s a little young still. This isn’t Miss SC’s fault though as it’s a national issue. Much to chaotic and too much drama! They need to stay behind the scenes and off the stage. Agree! And no Morgan was not my pick from the onset, but after getting to speak with her I can see very clearly why they liked her, and it became less surprising to me why she won. Someone who works their platform with or without a crown and someone who is approachable. What is the judging criteria now. So they are keeping morgan and kellan an not having runner ups take over or having a pageant? Someone get him off the stage. What are you smoking Willis? So what do you think of the Miss America promotional photos. Sydney is thin. Her speaking ability must be superb & showing she can bring in sponsors and fundraise.. Now what do you think the judges are looking to crown? Because although I had her highly placed for her swimsuit she wasn’t the best in her group either. Also how did Alexandra do when she went to MAOTeen nationals? Although Lauren could benefit in waiting a few years. After this composite score is given to every single contestant competing on final night the judges are dismissed. I absolutely love her in everything except talent. Julia never did herself any favors as well with her poor attitude. Ha-ha. It was a great performance. Which would not be possible without the so called quantity contestants. Gaspar Cruz gowns are the best on the stage. {huge eyeroll}. Unfortunately there were other girls who have added and lied about what occured. Jada Samuel's outfit was my favorite. i can only pick 3-4 talents that should make the finals...very sad. Someone should have advised this poor girl. Sarah Carroll was the only teen and no idea on Miss (. Who did you think should have won? If it doesn’t work give them the chance to go back to the drawing board. Since the golden girl didn't make top 5. The Miss do final ballot, so essentially they just picked a girl they liked or the directors wanted. (, Every year somewhere tropical post the pageant as a group. There is nothing done to those girls. I personally get tired of people saying that she's so smart and beautiful. Clearly talent was NOT 50% and clearly the scoring was manipulated. (, I personally like hearing piano players without music, those using loud music seems to out drown out if they can actually play or not. Miss A competition in Sept just might only have a class of 29 contestants. I also agree with those above, overall not sure how she was in top 5 over some others. She’s extremely talented, extremely smart and well spoken and very beautiful, Re: DB’s talent was slightly above average at Miss A. Miss SC will be in top 5 and possible winner if she has a song she can sing because she can definitely win in the talking and marketing areas. Re: This is where you are mistaken, under 2.0 rules there is no longer a top 10 discussion following the final preliminary competition. Last year there were more girls with some creative videos. (, Well someone should be investigating. Re: I would like to know how you would know that? Clearly it’s HER INTERVIEW and clearly her mom and supporters need to learn that and get over it. I get that it’s frustrating and hard to understand, but it’s just a pageant, it’s not the end of the world, and it’s not worth stressing over. Chaz Ellis Morgan, you go out there and shine as Miss South Carolina. Don’t participate. Re: She pushed another contestant and has been a bully all week long. The talent was below average. Excited to see who competes tonight. Miss SC Candidates; Miss SC Teen Contestants; Current Results. Also probably better to stay away from judges who are affiliated with the USA system. THANK YOU!!!! I truly feel sorry for the young woman, but my heart hurts for the other contestants who were lied to. Re: SHE CAN’T SING!!!!!! are you a moron? They are too Young. Re: they didn't ask everybody. If you remain silent, you will have accomplished nothing. Re: No more Miss SC....Gretchen’s ending state and local pageants on October 1. The judges and the coward would not agree with you that Mikeya didn't deserve to win. I can see her sneaking into the top 5 as a new person that people aren’t aware of.----I agree, MSC and MA needs to be a good spokes person, but following MA on social media, she is using her talent abilities at major events like Symphony Hall, major games...etc So, MSC and/or MA could benefit from being talented; as well as, a spokeswoman such as Garcia. Does anyone know why she is in NC competing? No, what's going on many believed over the years that the pageants was rigged but there's never been a more obvious proof of it than what happened Saturday. (, Yes, I like Addie Ledbetter and hope she will return. More speculation only creates more drama. So much completion last year that entire top 15 anyone could have won! Why would TS compete in MAO again? (. LOL - To be envious of something not deserved...Really? So please don’t band wagon the bow winners. Are they selling them this year? Is there someone super smart this year that you’re worried about? Re: Darlington was good but wasnt entertaining. Keep a spot for her in top 5 (. The newbies don't realize it though. Miss South Carolina Scholarship Organization Re: Some of the smartest went to MAOT and may have placed but did not win. they didn't ask everybody. Shannon Copes has been promoted to the Board Executive Committee as Treasurer! I feel sorry for you. It seems her dad is in investments and also just sold some land for $$$. I’m confident she wanted to be heard on a larger scale. Miss South Carolina & Miss South Carolina Teen Pageants Re: Is the live stream working for anyone? I disagree about her prelim performance. This isn’t the Olympics, why the heck would we break a girl’s heart by showing her she got a 2 right after interview? Won't list who to not hurt feelings. here is why Bryant or Finnegan will win. She was good and I like her. Mikeya could win a talent prelim in her group and still be below 20 other girls including Morgan for her talent score!! Well predicted 14 out of the top 15 correctly!! What exactly was she upset about? This organizarion and it’s national title is OVER. So ladies it can be done without trying g to win the other stuff! 2) Very content that their daughter won a preliminary and placed Top 5. and one already has. Whomever it is, that's some balls. I've been told Mikeya does really well in interviews. Re: Not seeing neither would stand out on the MAO stage. She ruined herself by quitting twice. (, exactly. In other comments someone does have to have great talent...just good, so that's majority of the girls and equally as smart that works their platformsite as well. And I have a feeling had she just went to the board it would have been just that. Joey Sanders went to jail for child molestation. And a huge shout out for the idea of doing the photo shoot with the tiger cubs as wanna be scientist. But not with the same LED. Go them em Berkley! (, Oh really? The judges have to rank based on how the "job description" was charged. All of that is just a bunch of creative lying and the sad, sad delusions of people with nothing better to do. I personally enjoy them! A state can allow a Miss to enter at large. You're not better than the leadership you are complaining about....bullying is bullying! However, it doesn’t matter because we shouldn’t be speaking negatively about any of the girls who competed. Really? Explain in detail the process of assigning composite scores if the meeting until 3 am no longer takes place. For the avoidance of doubt, a contestant cannot turn twenty-six (26) years of age at any time during the calendar year in which she will compete at state. Re: This would also explain why you would low ball certain girls or rig a pageant to keep the best talents from advancing to top 10. 4 ru will be Morgan Romano. Re: Predictions for Miss top15, top 10, top 5 and winner! And what’s the point in having judges judge score talent if it’s not done fairly. Beauty, brains and charisma. Although I think she is pretty smart and talented I do not believe she will make the top 10 at miss America. Disagree age requirement shouldn’t be raised for miss. And Teen hear two nights straight?? because people do n't know who she was in!! 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