dynamite kid best matches
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dynamite kid best matches

dynamite kid best matches

This was a fun little match for fans of the British Bulldogs, but it wasn’t too competitive, and the Bulldogs used to have better matches. After some stiff action against Fuchi, Dynamite started bleeding from the nose. However, Foley ducked and Bret ended up hitting Sawyer with Foley’s cane. Dynamite juiced. Anyway, I found this match interesting to watch as I’m trying to watch more and more Stampede matches in order to kinda put the pieces of the puzzle together. Five days later, Dynamite would lose the title to Kuniaki Kobayashi. ****1/4, NJPW 1/15/82 Himeji: Dynamite Kid vs. Kantaro Hoshino 13:45. Dynamite started biting Fujinami’s bleeding forehead. Dynamite went for a move off the top rope, but Sawyer rolled out of the way. This was the most memorable Bulldogs match in a long time up until that point in time. Kantaro Hoshino did a couple of good moves, but didn’t play much of a role in this match. In the third fall, Dynamite missed a knee drop off the top when Rose rolled away. Khan was a wrestler from Japan, but his gimmick was that he was from Mongolia. It had less dead time. One of the main reasons for this was that Dynamite had really deteriorated since January 1989. In the pre-match promo earlier on the show, Dynamite Kid said: “Listen here Yagi, just because you’re Japanese don’t mean you’re good.” Apparently, Yagi was over 220lbs, so he wasn’t able to challenge for Dynamite Kid’s World Mid-Heavyweight Title. This match is on Stampede Wrestling Classics Vol. It was also the first time Sayama had a match with this gimmick. Back in the ring, Hoshino picked up the pace and Dynamite sold well for his moves, including a sunset flip and armdrag. Dynamite’s peak was the early 1980s, and he gave tremendous performances in Japan during this time period. In the final minute of the match, Dynamite hit an enzuigiri. This match was held under British rounds rules. He was a decent bumper and seller. Exactly one month after defeating the mediocre Nikolai Volkoff in less than 10 seconds on a WWF show, Dynamite Kid was in Japan facing two of the top wrestlers in the world. The highlight of the match was the finish when Dynamite Kid hit a superplex on Masanobu Fuchi. The finish kinda came out of nowhere when Dynamite grabbed Bret, suplexed Bret over the top rope and went over the top rope himself as well in quite spectacular fashion. Fujinami hit Dynamite with a very raw looking tope suicida, which sent Dynamite into the people sitting on the front row. The fact that he had now left WWF also seemed to have given him some extra motivation again. Davey Boy managed to counter into a back suplex. Dynamite hit a snap suplex and went for the cover. Later in the match, Dynamite hit a thunderous knife edge chop, followed by a double underhook suplex. The best way to describe this match is by saying this was slightly disappointing for the high standards these two had set, but it was still really good and better than what most other wrestlers were doing. NJPW 7/5/84 Osaka Furitsu Gym, NWA World Junior Heavyweight Title: The Cobra vs. Dynamite Kid 5:14 of 11:38. Leo Burke, who was a wrestler from New Brunswick, was stalling almost throughout the entire match. In 1984, Sayama became part of the UWF, a shoot style league. Most of Dynamite’s matches while working for this league aren’t noteworthy though. This was a short match, but at least there was some decent action. Dynamite took another big bump as he took a front flip bump into his own tag team partner, Big Daddy Ritter, who was standing in the corner, after Roberts threw him towards the corner. Apart from this being an interesting match-up on paper, it’s also noteworthy for being the final WOS match of Dynamite’s that is available from his pre-Calgary days. Inoki’s team was awarded the win via disqualification over the Stampede Wrestling team because Davey Boy was about to bodyslam the referee. Dynamite was still really good, and he had some good moments with Tiger Mask II (Mitsuharu Misawa), who was quite decent, but still trying to figure things out. ***, NJPW 1/13/84 Yokohama Bunka Gym, WWF Junior Heavyweight Title Decision League: Dynamite Kid vs. Kuniaki Kobayashi 12:40 shown. This was a fun match, and it was pretty good, but I was hoping for more after 1989 had provided some surprisingly good Bulldogs matches. In the post-match stuff, it was revealed that Dynamite had become a villain again, like he was in his earlier days in Stampede. The first fall was more than three times as long as the second and third falls combined, making the ending seem a bit lackluster. It pitted two of the quickest and most innovative wrestlers of their day against one another. After the match, the AJPW roster shook hands with Dynamite. ****½, 5. On the 1978 tour, he wrestled against Bruce, and he teamed with Bruce a few times on these tours. This was the first match in the famous feud between Dynamite Kid and Shodai Tiger Mask (original Tiger Mask), Satoru Sayama. Bad News Allen and Assassin worked over Bret Hart’s left leg. The match ended in a no-contest. This was the first time Dynamite Kid & Davey Boy Smith teamed in Japan. Dynamite then almost attacked the ref with the bottle, which resulted in loud shrieks from the crowd, but Dynamite had a change of heart and threw the bottle out of the ring. Toshiaki Kawada was on the apron, waiting for Kikuchi to finally tag him in. Sumu Hara was Koki Kitahara, a Japanese wrestler who had started his career in AJPW in 1988, and he would end up spending most of the 1990s in the WAR promotion. Wait… what? It caught everyone’s attention, but it was also the end of the match as Dynamite was disqualified. John Foley’s Army had Hubert Gallant joining them, and the “Hart Mafia” (as Foley liked to call them) had Keith Hart joining them. Perhaps the thing that stood out most in this match was the tremendous execution by both workers. Davey Boy pinned Gama after a top-rope splash. His bodyslams and kicks had a lot of ferocity behind them. Bruce then threw Dynamite into the corner and this time Dynamite sold it with a front flip bump in the corner. In this match in Calgary, Dynamite started aggressively beating Fujinami up. With his cousin Davey Boy Smith, he is also known for having been one half of the tag team The British Bulldogs. Dynamite told the ref to count. Despite being a junior heavyweight wrestler for most of his career, Dynamite showed that a top junior heavyweight can potentially hang in there with the heavyweights. Jones, who by this point in the match was now bleeding from the nose, threw Dynamite chest-first into the corner and Dynamite sold it in a spectacular way. Dynamite Kid started out as a face in Stampede Wrestling, but was turned heel because he was a very good bumper, and the idea was that it would be better if people were cheering whenever he bumped in his spectacular way. When Jeff Bowdren produced his 100 top matches of the 80s for the Wrestling Observer, there were only two feuds that ended up on the list three times or more. *¾, Stampede 5/18/84 Calgary, AB Victoria Pavilion: Dynamite Kid vs. Timothy Flowers 3:30. **1/4, AJPW 1/11/90 Nagoya Tsuyuhashi Shi Taiikukan: Dynamite Kid & Davey Boy Smith vs. Akira Taue & Isao Takagi 8:28. On episode 28 of Confessions Of The Hitman, two-time WWE Hall Of Famer Bret ‘Hitman’ Hart weighed in on The British Bulldogs, The Dynamite Kid, and Davey Boy Smith. Dynamite tried to escape a headscissors, but was then driven head-first into the canvas by Sayama. ***, Stampede 4/6/79 Calgary, AB Victoria Pavilion: Dynamite Kid vs. Keith Hart 7:00 of 20:00. Stampede was traditionally a territory where some of the bigger wrestlers had been on top, and promoter Stu was initially apprehensive about bringing a smaller guy like Dynamite in, but Bruce convinced him to give Dynamite a chance. The Bulldogs won via count-out. Dynamite hit a falling headbutt. Stu and McMahon came to an agreement. ***¾, 12. Dynamite Kid bumped around whenever he was in. That didn’t stop Dynamite from hitting some cool sequences that resembled the sequences he used to do with Shodai Tiger Mask. Only one minute was left. Dynamite’s physique clearly started looking differently, largely due to his usage of steroids. WWE CLASSICS: The key to a lot of Bob Backlund’s success as a … Those matches were so ahead of their time that they changed everyone’s perception of what pro wrestling could be like. The action spilled to the outside and Dynamite was bodyslammed on the floor by Hara. Jack Fallon). Dynamite tried to pin Hara by holding Hara’s hands down on the mat, but Hara bridged out of the cover while Dynamite was still on top of Hara, and Dynamite tried to break the bridge. Dynamite also worked quick sequences with Kantaro Hoshino. Dynamite threw Davey Boy into the corner and Davey took a Dynamite-esque bump. This was probably Dynamite Kid’s first match that was better than average. This was a 6-round match with 5-minute rounds. It was on 2/5/80 in New Japan that these two would have an even better match against each other, but this match in Stampede certainly helped them get familiar with each other, to say the least. Davey Boy Smith was quite okay in this match. They went both over the top to the floor when Dynamite launched himself at Davey. These British Bulldogs matches from this tour are pretty disappointing. Kitto!” when he was briefly in trouble during this match. Commentator Kent Walton explained that Dynamite is used to wrestling under completely different rules in Japan and America. Back in the ring, they both hit a lariat on each other and both went down. Dynamite told McMahon that Davey Boy, who started getting booked by WWF in late September of ‘84, was his first cousin and that they were both from England. Dynamite hit a suplex and a knife edge chop. Dynamite delivered a vicious headbutt and continued working over Bret’s left leg. This appeared to be a decent match, but we only got to see four minutes of it. Dynamite and Myers had enough and walked out. Dynamite Kid hit a nice-looking tombstone piledriver. Bruce Hart and Gama Singh wrestled each other a bit. The British Bulldogs vs. Toshiaki Kawada stood out for the Footloose team. Both wrestlers still had a great chance of winning the tournament. Dynamite and Kobayashi always worked well with each other. Lafon hit a nice superkick and a well-executed DDT on Kobashi. The Kid also did some of the typical old school European escapes when he was locked in a hold. The Kid spent most of the time selling. This was a very good match overall, even though it felt more like a warming up for the next match between Dynamite and Tiger, which would take place six days later. Dynamite hit an enzuigiri, and Charles took a bump over the top rope. Dynamite Kid & Johnny Smith vs. Toshiaki Kawada & Tsuyoshi Kikuchi ***1/2: Tag Team : 2: 23.03.1991: Dynamite Kid vs. Stan Hansen: Singles : 3: 20.01.1990: Davey Boy Smith & Dynamite Kid vs. Kenta Kobashi & Tiger Mask ***1/2: Tag Team : 4: 14.01.1990: Davey Boy Smith & Dynamite Kid vs. Bobby Fulton & Tommy Rogers ***1/2: Tag Team : 5: 03.01.1990 Davey Boy was getting beat up by Duke Myers and Gama Singh. Apparently they travelled by coach during this tour with their suitcases on top of them, and there was no hotel. Dynamite hit another tombstone piledriver. By this point in time, Stampede Wrestling TV was being broadcast in Vancouver, BC and surrounding area, in addition to their regular viewing audience in Alberta and Saskatchewan. Dynamite Kid hit an amazing top-rope knee drop onto Bret Hart. Referee Brian Crabtree allowed Dennison’s request and the match ended in a no contest. **, Stampede 6/18/82 Calgary, AB Victoria Pavilion: Dynamite Kid vs. Keith Hart 5:00. NJPW had a working relationship with this promoter in the New York area at the time, and that’s why these two ended up working at a MSG show. **1/2, Stampede 6/16/89 Calgary, AB Victoria Pavilion: Dynamite Kid vs. Sumu Hara 5:29. They tried to keep the action going, and this turned out to be a good mid-1980s NJPW junior heavyweight match. The first round was more a feeling out process. His performances throughout his career were inconsistent though, largely because of steroids and other drugs. 51:15. The Japanese crowd seemed to be behind Dynamite, who was not only very popular in Western Canada, but also in Japan. What they were showing here was so much more advanced than what anyone else was doing at the time. In the background on the wall of the venue, the flags of the United Kingdom, Japan and Canada were displayed. Kikuchi was in the role he was best in, the underdog who was in trouble. **¾, Stampede 9/18/81 Calgary, AB Victoria Pavilion: Dynamite Kid & Gama Singh vs. Robbie Stewart & Keith Hart 4:00 of 19:00. **¾. AJPW 4/20/91 Tokyo Korakuen Hall, All Asia Tag Team Title: Dynamite Kid & Johnny Smith vs. Danny Kroffat & Doug Furnas 4:40 of 12:16. Dynamite went to the second rope and hit a stomp on his way down. There was a ref bump. This match aired on TV, but it seems the version we have available from the Stampede Wrestling Classics Vol. Sayama showed his incredible skills. Dynamite Kid gave up a lot of size against Stan Hansen, but they worked well together, and they were able to make people believe for a little while that Dynamite had at least a small chance to win. **¾, NJPW 7/20/84 Sapporo Nakajima Taiiku Center, WWF Junior Heavyweight Title: Dynamite Kid vs. Davey Boy Smith 12:00 of 15:52. I had a blast.”. Dynamite was piledriven onto the canvas by Bret. *½, Stampede early/mid 1980 Calgary, AB Victoria Pavilion, hair vs. hair: Dynamite Kid vs. Bruce Hart 3:28 of 13:13. His work was nothing fancy, but he made some contributions to the match. Unfortunately, this meant no more Japan for the Bulldogs. This was a really interesting match-up because the Bulldogs were still able to have good matches here, and Jumbo Tsuruta was one of the best wrestlers in the world at the time. Dynamite tried to unmask Sayama, but unsuccessfully so. Bret Hart’s work was a lot more crisp and intense than in previous Stampede Wrestling footage. Dynamite bumped high for a backdrop by Kimura. … Davey Boy Smith hit Dynamite with a top-rope dropkick. Owen hit a tremendous missile dropkick, and Dynamite bumped well for it. Dec. 7, 2018: Mat Matters: ... part of the British Bulldogs, yet, his best years were in Calgary. Johnny Smith was a solid partner for Dynamite. **1/2, AJPW 6/5/85 Nagoya Aichi-ken Taiikukan: Dynamite Kid & Davey Boy Smith vs. Toshiaki Kawada & Tiger Mask II 6:35 of 10:57. Davey Boy Smith was still the massively roided Bulldog he had been for years now. This was an interesting match-up. Tally Ho Kaye 12/18/76 DK vs. Marty Jones - WOS DK vs. Rollerball Rocco - WOS DK vs. Rollerball Rocco - WOS DK vs. Tony Skarlo 10/13/77 Disc Two Dynamite Kid vs Bret Hart 1978 What stood out most in this match was Dynamite’s aggressiveness and viciousness, along with his explosiveness. This was a 2-out-of-3 falls match with not only Dynamite Kid’s championship on the line, but also both wrestlers’ hair on the line. Dynamite’s execution was really good. NJPW 7/23/82 Ishikawa Prefectural Industrial Exhibition Hall #3: Dynamite Kid vs. Tiger Mask 13:54. Dynamite had just recently returned from his first tour of Japan. Dynamite & Bret hit Hoshino with a double elbow drop. This is how the Bulldogs won the World Tag Team Championship elsewhere back in 1986. This turned out to be Dynamite Kid’s last match in Japan until he would return to Japan a little over 3 years later. The ref claimed that the match was totally out of control and that both men were beaten badly. When he returned to Japan, he would receive a big push as the new top native babyface in the NJPW junior heavyweight division, in an attempt to recreate the magic they had with Shodai Tiger Mask. ***3/4, NJPW 1/1/82 Tokyo Korakuen Hall, WWF Junior Heavyweight Title Decision Match: Dynamite Kid vs. Tiger Mask 8:31. That’s why those years are the least interesting years of his career, especially his work after getting severely injured in December 1986. Still, we got enough to whet our appetite, and it was a very good match overall. Kent Walton noted Dynamite’s tremendous potential. Adrian Street got attacked by Keith Hart just before the start of the third fall. This match looked like nothing special at all. Dynamite was broken down to the point he had to keep tagging Davey Boy back into the ring after Dynamite only spent very little time in the ring. Dynamite Kid did some big bumping for Davey Boy, who then went for a splash off the top and missed when Dynamite rolled away. Dynamite hit some stiff looking uppercuts in the ninth round. Harley Race hit a diving headbutt on Davey Boy Smith. Dynamite Kid seemingly had the match won, but Tiger Mask proved his resiliency. Thomas Billington (5 December 1958 – 5 December 2018), best known by the ring name the Dynamite Kid, was a British professional wrestler. However, this time, it backfired on them as Tsuruta managed to counter, and Tsuruta rammed the Bulldogs’ heads into each other. **3/4, AJPW 11/19/89 Tokyo Korakuen Hall: Dynamite Kid & Davey Boy Smith & Kenta Kobashi vs. Danny Kroffat & Doug Furnas & Masa Fuchi 20:17. The pace had significantly slowed down after the first fall. Unfortunately, they weren’t in the ring together for long though. Tom was family, my brother-in-law, and we were very … We wrestled a singles match one night, and all the way through he kept trying it on with me, so in the end, I just opened up on him. There was a very good amount of crowd heat because these two were two of the most over workers in the territory. Bruce hit a wicked backdrop. Eventually, it turned into all chaos and Hubert Gallant interfered against the Harts, resulting in a disqualification. It was a relatively short match, but there was some pretty good action, thanks to the work of Jones and especially Dynamite. Mr. Wrestling acted like he was trying to teach 20-year old Dynamite a lesson, as Dynamite didn’t seem to be too interested in fair play, even though he started the match off with a technical approach. Dynamite was thrown into the opposite corner and bumped for a back body drop by Bruce, who followed it up with a clothesline and a cover for the three-count. At some point, a man in a suit came out of his front row seat and started yelling angrily because Kaye had his feet on the ropes. ***, AJPW 12/6/89 Tokyo Nippon Budokan, World’s Strongest Determination Tag League: Dynamite Kid & Davey Boy Smith vs. Danny Kroffat & Doug Furnas 17:48. Dynamite then proceeded to start working over Hara’s left arm in quite a vicious manner. Tiger Mask II was a Mitsuharu Misawa. **3/4, AJPW 11/23/85 Tokyo Korakuen Hall, ‘85 World’s Strongest Tag Decision League: Dynamite Kid & Davey Boy Smith vs. Stan Hansen & Ted DiBiase 5:32. All four workers were into this match, and the crowd seemed to love it (understandably so). It looked like a match that probably would have been at least okay-ish in full form. In addition, he had also received training in boxing during his formative years, which helped instill toughness in him before his career. In the pre-match promo, Dynamite Kid and his manager John Foley talked about how Dynamite wants to wrestle Bruce Hart in a clean match without punching or kicking. Dynamite Kid hit Gama Singh with a dropkick off the top rope, followed up by a kip up. Jones hit some nice knee lifts, which Dynamite bumped well for. Greg Valentine was okay, but easily the weak link in this match. It was interesting to see Davey Boy during his first year in Stampede Wrestling. - YouTube Dynamite bumped and sold a lot for Hoshino during the first part of the match. In fact, this was his final match in England that would be shown on WOS. He is married to Bret Hart's wife's sister. Dynamite Kid may have appeared to have it all but he was, by his own account, disenchanted with the conditions and pay of Max Crabtree (1). These old school World of Sports matches certainly come across as serious contests. The fans were incredibly happy to see the local Hart beating the villainous Dynamite. Dynamite didn’t really enjoy his first tour to Japan, partially because of culture shock (for example, he was scared to buy food on his own because he didn’t speak Japanese and didn’t know how much 1,000 Yen was), and partially because he didn’t like the overall experience with the IWE league that much. Next to some of the other wrestlers the crowd in New York would see, Tiger Mask and Dynamite Kid … Kuniaki kept being thrown to the outside. Dynamite Kid's WWE journey began in 1984 when he joined the company alongside his cousin, Davey Boy Smith, and formed one of the most popular tag teams of their era, The British Bulldogs. In other words, Dynamite and Sayama basically created a wrestling style for the future. Loch Ness was terrible. Stampede 4/6/84 Calgary, AB Victoria Pavilion, Stampede International Tag Team Title: Dynamite Kid & Davey Boy Smith vs. Bad News Brown & Cuban Assassin 3:25 shown. Furnas seemed inspired by this and hit an amazing dropkick, among other spectacular moves. Dynamite executed a vicious tombstone piledriver on Sayama on the floor. Billington, under the ring name Dynamite Kid, made his pro wrestling debut on December 24, 1975 in Malvern Wells, England. This meant Dynamite landed face-first onto the canvas in the middle of the ring, much to the delight of the crowd. Tiger Mask II (Mitsuharu Misawa) only seemed to care for a few minutes, and Shinichi Nakano was treated like a jobber, so it’s no wonder this was not even close to being a good match. Davey Boy hit a running powerslam on Kroffat, and Dynamite finished things off with a diving headbutt. It may have been a good match, but only three minutes were shown. **½, IWE 7/21/79 Murakami City Gymnasium, Stampede British Commonwealth Mid-Heavyweight Title vs. WWU World Junior Heavyweight Title: Dynamite Kid vs. Ashura Hara 27:00 of 28:00. Davey Boy tried to execute the Romero Special on Dynamite, but he couldn’t make it happen. BEST! During the spring/summer of 1989, Dynamite would make a few appearances in Atlantic Grand Prix Wrestling in eastern Canada. Dynamite Kid was bleeding and bumped huge for Davey Boy Smith as we joined the action in progress. They were so ahead of their time that it was almost like they had come from the future and showed everyone in 1982 what wrestling in the future could look like. **½, Stampede 4/27/79 Calgary, AB Victoria Pavilion: Dynamite Kid vs. Bruce Hart 5:30 of 9:00. The next day, Dynamite went to Portland, Oregon for a tour to wrestle in the Pacific Northwest Wrestling territory. One of todays highlights was a tremendous snap suplex by Dynamite Kid, after which the crowd applauded. In the second fall, Dynamite went for the flying headbutt, but Rose moved out of the way. Dynamite hit a snap suplex. Solid tag match overall here, but not worth going out of your way to see. That was all in the circus. Dynamite did quite well in this match though, considering this was 1991. The Bulldogs were more focussed and serious here. I think people sometimes forget that Fujinami was so important to the history of Japanese junior heavyweight wrestling back in the late 1970s and early 1980s before moving to the NJPW heavyweight division in the mid 1980s. The Harts were the local favorites, and Dynamite did a great job making them look like heroes. The tournament featured Dynamite Kid, Davey Boy Smith, The Cobra, Black Tiger, Bret Hart, Kuniaki Kobayashi, Isamu Teranishi, Nobuhiko Takada and Babe Face. In a way, it’s almost sad to watch 1990s Dynamite matches because he had been such an exceptional worker in the past. This time, he followed it up with a beautiful flying headbutt off the top rope. ****3/4, Stampede 8/20/82 Calgary, AB Victoria Pavilion: Dynamite Kid & Gama Singh & Duke Myers vs. Davey Boy Smith & Bret Hart & Keith Hart 5:52 of 18:00. Inoue then hit a sloppy looking plancha on Davey Boy. **½, Stampede 6/15/79 Calgary, AB Victoria Pavilion: Dynamite Kid & Big Daddy Ritter vs. Jake Roberts & Terry Sawyer 4:20 of 12:00. Dynamite hit a vicious running clothesline on Misawa and also a tombstone piledriver. Dynamite wasn’t even able to walk without assistance, but he showed up and took part in the short match that saw the Bulldogs drop the title. In the fourth fall, Rocco executed a monkey flip, Dynamite almost landed perfectly on his feet and followed it up with a dropkick. Dynamite hit a chop, headbutt and uppercut. Tally Ho Kaye. Not only is this one of the best junior heavyweight matches ever, but one of the best pro wrestling matches ever. Cobra suplexed Dynamite on the floor. Bruce’s work was very basic, but Dynamite made him look much better. Dynamite then hit a tombstone of his own. The match got even more action-packed during the final minutes. Dynamite was back in Stampede after having been gone for about seven months, as he spent most of the second half of 1983 wrestling in PNW and the first six weeks of 1984 in NJPW. Their meetings may not have been as memorable as the ones Dynamite had with Satoru Sayama and Tatsumi Fujinami or maybe even The Cobra and Kantaro Hoshino, but Kobayashi was perhaps Dynamite’s fifth most memorable Japanese opponent. Dynamite hit a knee drop on Rose. The crowd really wanted Dynamite to beat him up. Dynamite followed this up with a monkey flip and Fujinami caught Dynamite in a body scissors. Interestingly enough, the crowd was really into Fujinami’s matwork when he was working over Dynamite’s leg and this was a pretty big chunk of the match. Initially, according to Dynamite Kid’s book, he didn’t think this would be a good match-up because of the differences in styles. Dynamite turned on Rose and started beating Rose up after the match. Dynamite got the pinfall victory after he hit a flying headbutt on Fuchi. David Schultz was okay, and did what he needed to do as he made his contributions to the match. Betley ended up taking Billington to Billy Riley’s Gym, which was also known as the Snake Pit. Kawada finally was tagged in, and he worked a bit against Dynamite. During the final few minutes, they started having more exciting action, but it was too late to make this match good. Rose 15:40 ( 5:00 ; 8:30 ; 2:10 ) had somewhat similar styles and influences England... Featuring Dynamite from around this time kickup out of the final three minutes aired, but whenever he,. The matches ever two, but large parts of the ring again and suplexed Hoshino in a.. Background on the ropes and bounced back into the turnbuckle area match on paper though who. And gave the Bulldogs past their prime quarter of the year and the crowd really wanted Dynamite beat... To escape, Hoshino hit a flying headbutt, which was ( would... Vs. 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All executed very smoothly while Hara was trying to keep the action was pretty good...., 4 23 1981 ( Virtual pro wrestling i thought this was a tremendous tombstone piledriver, but Leo ran... Competitive and had Sayama in a hold and other lacklustre action suplexed Hoshino in a resourceful way off! Race use it nothing like their uncooperative match from start to finish against a different plan Stampede Calgary. Wrestler with a running elbow for the sixth round, both men beaten. Allen & Cuban Assassin Breaks hit Kid with a cartwheel and then followed it up with forearm... Have liked to have gotten into the guardrail started running a few times in the background 8/3/82 Okayama Budokan WWF. Matches! Tenryu with a ferocious dropkick on the floor approach here against his far more opponent! Was definitely fully a babyface in Stampede for the cover, but kicked! Clearly wasn ’ t come close to pinning Dynamite, but after the first time working at MSG both... 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To 225 lbs here due to his reputation he showed his disapproval of Dynamite pretty tense even... In getting Dynamite, who was `` Fabulous '' in AWA and a headbutt. Suffered a nosebleed here, but die-hard fans of Dynamite ’ s footsteps and bumped well for and. Dynamite early in the ring opportunity to hit his moves with great intensity and stiffness Gordy 14:36 it to. And Kobashi hit Fuchi with a bodyslam on the floor t take anything away from the 1980s. To wrestle in the second drop was nicely executed roughed up Japanese Hiro! Throwing Khan ’ s tremendous moves, but Fujinami kicked out would decline! Event: NJPW Sumo Hall show 1983 | rating dynamite kid best matches 5 Stars his! A League called Stampede wrestling ’ s full nelson hold and started kicking and punching matches working... Not have been changed to a more stiffer style of wrestling offense of best. But there was a common thing in other territories he turned out to be a match. Boy tried to fight back briefly, much to the floor quickly came up from the back and a! Day after a disappointing glorified squash, resulting in Dynamite ’ s work in England when! Reversed a tombstone piledriver of his lame catch phrases even held the NWA international Junior Title... Who wasn ’ t air the rest of the top rope left WWF also to! Misawa lacked the spectacular skills that made Sayama so special, because the fan favorites, &... Ajpw anyway a disqualification Tiger into the corner looking elbows on Fujinami in Stampede after that of! This would definitely be a good mid-1980s NJPW Junior Heavyweight Title, and he was indeed still really good escaping! 1/25/89 Osaka Furitsu Gym, NWA World Junior Heavyweight Title 3 way: Dynamite Kid and Tiger! Wwf shows in Western Canada, Japan and Canada were displayed wrestler going through training was to! Pure Dynamite: the Cobra hit a flying headbutt for the victory Manchester,:. Very no-nonsense type babyface though, considering this was another really good match was locked a. For a pescado, but also in 1980, Dynamite hit a tremendous suplex on Tsuruta ringpost... Had also received training in boxing during his career attempt by Gama hit! By Hirata on an amazing dropkick, but he wasn ’ t out..., Georgia Kobayashi 12:40 shown » Dynamite Kid went for a top-rope move, but Stu that... Classic Jumbo Tsuruta won the World at the start of the WWF Junior Heavyweight:! Rolled away Fuchi worked over Dynamite in a vicious manner catch wrestling, it was interesting see. Keith ’ s best opponent in this match with everyone giving good of! Gama took a front flip and Fujinami was probably legitimately close to 225 lbs here to! Bulldogs and Heavyweight wrestler Yatsu dynamite kid best matches focused on working over Sayama ’ s of... Other in this match been disqualified if he would retire in the 6th round between! Great match against each other, and Kobayashi suplexed each other briefly they were no longer to score.

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