do or die
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do or die

do or die

and AK.The group experienced mainstream success with the platinum single "Po Pimp", which peaked at #22 on the Billboard Hot 100. Breaking it down: You only need to do this once. But an easier thing to do. I’d love to see it again, sometime! Strictly speaking, viruses can’t die, for the simple reason that they aren’t alive in the first place. Hyphenated if used as a modifier before a noun. …Oddly, Wal-Mart now says it’s out of stock. Many people find it helpful to follow the “3 day rule” when they feel as though they want to die. Google allows users to search the Web for images, news, products, video, and other content. We really only use them as warm ups before performances though, along with “Miles and miles of golden sand” and energy. And I'm still curious about where that comes from, so I Googled it. There's also more backstory/plot than in most warmup exercises. The grand finale. And the dragon will come at a min or to till two. This comment finally prompted me to add the correct attribution in the post itself, as I should’ve done in 2007 when I first found out about it. If you feel God drawing you to faith in Christ (John 6:44), come to the Savior. At a minute or two to two to-day, I can’t say it more than a couple times either. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to Do Or Die Profile: Rap group from Chicago, IL, made up of brothers AK47 (Dennis Round) & N.A.R.D. You need to allow it above. A thing distinctly hard to say I thought for sure it was another tongue twister. I learned a version of the verse during rehearsals for a production of The Mikado at George Washington University, in the US capitol city, during the summer of 1983. at a minute or so to two. with a rat a tat tat, a tata tattoo, a rat-tat-tat- tat-tat-tat- tat-tat-tattoo, and the dragon will come when he hears the drum. Before you go... Why not try these games. Which seems unlikely to me. . Here is where you'll witness some of the most deadly situations ever caught on tape and put your survival knowledge to the test. And then the chorus repeats, and that’s the end of the piece. At a minute or two to two today, at a minute or two to two…..goes on to talk about having tea with the red queen and the white queen and is indeed from Lewis Carroll. at a minute or so to two.” Nor a super-sheer seersucker rucksack sock; Not a spot-speckled frog-freckled cheap sheik's sock. Iron coffee pots and tin coffee pots If you don’t see the ‘Allow once’ button above, please follow the instructions above or check this link for a step-by-step explanation. I recall at the time wondering why a dragon would come just to beat a drum. "We as a party need to put everything we can into this, because if we don't, over time our representative democracy is going to be much less representative. The search for info on that did lead me to another tongue-twister/warmup I hadn't encountered before: Not your spinslick slapstick slipshod stock. See earlier comments for information about what it’s really from. Please don’t post any further guesses about this piece; we now know where it came from, what the real words are, and what it means in context. As noted elsewhere in these comments, it’s part of a play-within-the-play presentation of the story of St. George and the Dragon. Remarkable how many of the commenters thought it came from Lewis Carroll. See my comment below for the original lyrics. contact us. I wonder whether that means I got the last one, or whether it means they didn’t have any to begin with but couldn’t be bothered to tell me so before I ordered. After they die, other animals eat them (but people don't) or they decompose, adding nutrients to the stream. at a minute or two to two today, at a minute or two to two. There’s nothing for you to do but stay So either Claire didn’t bother to read any of the previous comments, or she was intentionally posting a joke answer. me too are you shocked by what people get get used to? For details, see comments on this post. The first humans, Adam and Eve, lost their lives because they sinned against God. At a minute or two to two, And the dragon will come when he hears the drum This is no West Side Story. It is attributed to Alun Llewellyn. I have to add a link to the Stephen Colbert/Stone Phillips gravitas-off video that features the “What a to-do” verse. It’s an ode to those about to die by military execution; And the dragon will come and beat the drum And ev’rything will be done for you. Why do all people sin and die? i have studdering problems so its hard to say for me lolz, the dragon line is harder to say CORRECTLY than you think. oh what a to-do to die today To quote my dictionary, a tattoo (in this sense) is “rapid rhythmic rapping”; in particular, in this context, it’s a drumbeat. Very normal affair in 18th British military. You can hear an audio clip of it on that Wal-Mart page. The dragon line isn't particularly hard to say and doesn't contain any particularly unusual speech sounds; if this really were simply a warmup exercise, I doubt that line would be there. I can’t tell whether Claire is trolling us or just hasn’t read any of the comments. Added in 2020: It turns out to be from a comic opera called Merrie England, written by Edward German in 1902. On the off chance that it’s the latter: nope, this isn’t from Lewis Carroll. Yeah, I saw a page attributing it to Lewis Carroll, but I find that hard to believe — it doesn’t sound to me at all like the kind of thing he wrote. See more. I have a copy of “Song of the Sock” which differs slightly from the one you posted. I’m not sure if it’s from anything though. I learned this in seventh grade drama, same time we learned the grip top sock, red leather yellow leather, and another rhyme I can’t remember. A thing distinctly hard to say, Do or Die is the first insider account of teenage gangs--the lives, loves, and battles of children who kill--from the only journalist ever allowed inside this closed and dangerous world.. It’s apparently part of a play-within-the-play presentation of the story of St. George and the Dragon. I learned this as a warm up at Community Choir Theatre Royal Norwich. a thing distinctly hard to say, Note added in 2020: We’ve found the source and context of the first piece listed here, the “What a to-do to die today” one. and now, thanks to YouTube, you can all listen to it here! I bought the CD of Merrie England, and lilia’s comment has finally reminded me to transcribe the relevant song. In this Wario Ware –style game, pet the cat, do nothing, or give the pirate a high-five are just a few of the strange tasks you’ll be asked to perform. Make a promise with a friend, a therapist or with yourself that you will not do anything to harm yourself for a certain amount of time. than I’ll have a cup of tea. This game is currently blocked due to the new privacy regulation and isn't currently controlling it. I might have an answer for you. This can be done by a funeral home or by the family themselves in most states. do you wake up in a cold sweat? Anyone have any ideas? it’s a short poem that was originally written by Lewis Carrol in victorian time periods in regards to war’s of the brittish empire going on at te time. For they’ll beat a tattoo at two to two, Turns out that Amazon currently has a used copy for $7, which wasn’t there a week or two ago, so I guess if Wal-Mart doesn’t have it, I’ll order a cheap used one from Amazon next time one turns up there. Tune anyone? Oh what a to-do to die today So the dragon in question is a literal dragon, not a human executioner. and the dragon will come {the dragon being the executioner} when he hears the drum Instead, they must invade a host organism and hijack its genetic instructions. But I post because I was amused to find “Drum washer drum crushers” in an ad at the bottom of the Google Books search results for [“dragon will come when he hears the drum”]. at a min. (Giving the beginning of the lyrics as the title is pretty common in recordings of operettas.) God offers you the choice. Music. So I’m sorry to say that I don’t think your theory is right. On Wednesday, it’s do or die in the Cricket match against Australia. Which led me to look at the column again, which led me to the following warmup exercise: What a to-do to die today, at a minute or two to two; a thing distinctly hard to say, but harder still to do. Your circumstances can always change. do or die 1. adjective Of or pertaining to the last chance to succeed in a given situation, such that the utmost energy and effort must be put forth to do so. It’s track 10 on disc 2 (which makes it the second-to-last song in the show), and the “title” is given as “Oh! In fact, yesterday I ordered a CD of Merrie England from Wal-Mart’s website. Here’s a to-do to die to-day”—but that’s the just the opening lyrics. completely safe. Someone just encountered my 1997 Words & Stuff column on elocution and wrote me to ask about elocution. And the dragon will do for you! but harder still to do. with a ratt-a-tat-tat-a-tat-tat-a-to-too I’ve enjoyed trawling through the what a to do comments. Because of the increased bulk of these stars, fusion reactions need to … As Wikipedia notes, Merrie England includes this plot element: “Wilkins works at length on a stage version of the story of St. George and the Dragon.” So it makes perfect sense to refer to a dragon. It’s not the kind of answer we’re used to hearing when we talk about death. Just found Priscilla’s 2010 comment, which had fallen afoul of the spam filter, and rescued it. You can find many modifications people have made for speech warm-ups, but the original writting actually makes incredible sense when taken in context: It doesn’t involve heaven, hell, or any other supernatural realm. Click the Lock icon -> Site settings -> Flash and change Block (default) to Allow to play a game. And the dragon will come When Quentin had to give a presentation to some new clients, his boss warned him that it would be a do or die situation. If at home, you will need to contact the funeral home directly, make arrangements yourself, or ask a friend or family member to do that for you. Do Or Die: In this Wario Ware style game, pet the cat, do nothing, or give the pirate a high-five are just a few of the strange tasks you ll be asked to perform. That question is: where do we go when we die? or two till two, a thing distinctly hard to say or harder still to do, He’l beat a tatto at a quarter to two I’ve seen “What a to-do” attributed to Lewis Carroll. (2020 update: I did make a couple of small mistakes, as noted above, but nothing major. I’m in a highschool theatre class, and we use “what a to-do” to help with our pronounciation in words and speech. In the unlikely event that Priscilla ever comes back here and ever reads the comments: I’m sorry to say that your analysis, while interesting, is wrong. If you're preparing to die peacefully because of something that's out of your control, know that it's completely up to you how you want to spend your last days. There’s nothing for you to do but stay, In January 2021, the villagers finally launched a “do or die” agitation which is still continuing even as the local administration has cracked down on them. I’ll continue to delete abusive comments when they’re posted. Deleted an obnoxious comment criticizing me for being obnoxious. Sadly, all the online information I can find about it indicates that it's simply a vocal warmup exercise, not a quote from something. From a slapdash flash cash haberdash shop; Not a knickknack knitlock knock-kneed knickerbocker sock. How to use do-or-die in a sentence. It may be because someone thought “beat” would round out the variety of vowel sounds occurring in that line and thus enhance the elocution value. Thanks for the “Merry England” answer. The other changes were essentially cosmetic.). (Requires Windows Media Player or flip4mac or other way of viewing Windows Media filles.). So glad this page is here Learned this rhyme in my teaching theatre class and it’s nice to pin down an origin. is from a song in Edward German’s 2-act comic opera “Merrie England”. at a minute or two to two. Do or Die (Ant Banks album), and the title song; Do or Die, and the title song; Do or Die (Dropkick Murphys album), and the title song; Do or Die (Gospel Gangstaz album), and the title song; Do or Die (Tim Dog album); Do or Die (Viking album), and the title song; Do or Die: Diary 1982, by Nico; Do or Die, by The BossHoss band That seems very unlikely to me. Thank you very much to John Davies and LilyAyl, and I apologize to cara and John for not noticing that their comments were being held for moderation. You die today Several other commenters, dating back to 2007, have declared that this is by Lewis Carroll, and I have replied to all of them to say that it isn’t. Where do you go when you die? For more details, see comments on this post. At a minute or two to two What to do. "This is do or die," he said. when taught correctly in voice and speech classes, this exercise forces you to focus on making the correct sounds for each letter and letter combination. See more. You are correct that tattoo in this song doesn’t refer to ink, but your description of what tattoo means in this context is a little confusing. Take this quiz, if you dare. I don’t know if that’s correct. at a min or two till two today the dragon in this poem has a double meaning though, it also sybolizes death. If you don't see the Flash option above, you can still enable Flash as follows: Change Block (default) to Allow in the Flash section. This is why you can be absolutely sure that playing Flash games on Addicting Games is (Giving the beginning of the lyrics as the title is pretty common in recordings of operettas.). – Words & Stuff. I wonder if that, too, might be a quote from something; anyone know? It is your call. We used the “What a to do to die today….” and “Give me the gift of a grip top sock” at the American Academy of Dramatic Arts, when I was a student there from 1982-1985 (I was also in the production company). The Coffee Pot song was a music hall number which I have sung with the guitar, but the grip top sock one is a new one. I can’t get to ten repetitions without my mouth turning to mush. For they’ll beat a tattoo at twenty to two {A tattoo is not only the word for inking the skin derived from the fact that it is indelibly beat into the skin, it is also the indelible call for the executioner “at twenty till two”} Do-or-die definition is - doggedly determined to reach one's objective : indomitable. Either way, after nearly fourteen years of telling commenters that this is not by Lewis Carroll, I have very little patience left for people who say that it is. It’s remarkable to me how often people post comments without reading any of the comments that have come before theirs. Good to see them again. For they’ll beat a tatoo at twenty to two – rat-a-tat rat-a-tat rat-a-tat too. It’s apparently part of a play-within-the-play presentation of the story of St. George and the Dragon. But what? This test will give you the date of your death, if you keep living the same way as you do. at a minute or so to two today God invites you to come to Him. 5:6-8; Phil. Sadly, the recording overall is pretty forgettable. (As Shakespeare once said.). The BMI (body mass index) is a way to measure your disease risk based on your height to weight ratio. Opium users were often said to “chase the dragon,” opium being an asian substance, and asia is this time period was often sybolized by a dragon. Yes, I think this is from Alice in Wonderland. With a mock-shot blob-mottled trick-ticker top clock; Not a rucked up, puckered up, flop top sock. Here’s a to-do to die to-day”—but that’s the just the opening lyrics. Their main purpose is likely to get the nerves off. (In 2020, I slightly edited the following lyrics, to match the lyrics given in the 1903 final edition of the complete score.). do or die meaning: 1. said when you are in a situation in which you must take a big risk in order to avoid failure…. Ha ha! I believe it should be dragoon and has been miss read at an early rendition, it talks of a soldier being punished. I don’t know for sure that the performance on the CD is an accurate rendition of the original lyrics, but this is as close as I’ve seen to a definitive source, and I listened to it several times as I transcribed it so I’m pretty sure I transcribed it right. Do or Die by Ani DiFranco, released 30 September 2020 do you ever just want to give up? And I don’t especially care about the quality of the recording or the performance; I just want to hear the song. It was on a sheet of diction exercises handed out by the member of the theatre faculty directing. At a minute or two to two! We know, some questions might be outside of your comfort zone, but it you want to know the truth, it's necessary to be truthful. Sorry, this game is not available on mobile devices. And harder still to do! Do you have any evidence of that, such as an image of the original version? As one blogger, who has struggled with suicidal thoughts explains: “For me I have a 3 day rule. Some years ago, with members of Rugby Operatic Society, we staged ME and a couple of years ago, I taught this patter song to my young grandson, who loved it. Update: the Colbert/Philips video is now here:—gravitas-off, All I want is a proper cup of coffee Please leave a tip or a game review below! (Anthony Round) along with long time friend Belo Zero (Darnell Smith). To my ear, it doesn’t sound anything like Lewis Carroll, but I guess when an incorrect attribution gets attached to something, it’s hard to shake it loose. At a minute or two to two! "I'm at the Do or Die Studios Conference - The Agent Round Table Discussion was the most in-depth breakdown of this dimension of the business that I've seen/heard. Learn more. at a minute or two to two today, (And I suspect that all of Lewis Carroll’s work is on the web, so a search for the verse seems like it ought to turn up the source if it’s L.C.). The hospital or nursing facility, if that is where the death took place, may help with these arrangements. Some of the words you suggest vary from the version we sang. Flash is a multimedia platform used for browser games, videos, “Beat a tattoo” etc. It turned out to be an ad for a drum washing and crushing service, but it’s nevertheless challenging to say! For more ideas what to do in Cape Town, check out our tailor-made itinerary Complete Cape Town: wildlife, wines, and whales. And the dragon will do for you. I may be off my dot The Lethal Danger of Being Fat Excess weight has a dramatic impact on one's health. the term tattoo refers to the spacific druming performed when someone dies in militarty contexts, and the dragon is most likely refering to the war this is written for, the opium war. Made in a proper copper coffee pot When will you die? It is indeed from Edward German’s Merrie England. ), Furthermore, I believe this to currently be the only page on the entire web that contains an accurate transcription of the song. As noted in the addenda page for the column, it's not from The Court Jester. Learn more: Questions and Answers about Salmon Do-or-die definition, reflecting or characterized by an irrevocable decision to succeed at all costs; desperate; all-out: a do-or-die attempt to halt the invaders. A do-or-die attempt to halt the invaders. Although they contain genetic instructions in the form of DNA (or the related molecule, RNA), viruses can’t thrive independently. So sad so many people fail to read comments before posting one of their own. Exams are near it’s do or die people. Once he found it, he’d spend some time gazing around him with a look that seemed to say, “Today is a good day to die.” Then, he’d lie down and sleep the entire day away. when he hears the drum With a rat-a-ta ta-ta-ta ta-ta-tatoo. Off a hodgepodge moss-blotched scotch-botched block; Nothing slipshod, drip drop, flip flop, or glip glop; I cobbled that version together from various web sources. So I remain steadfast in my belief that it's a quote from something. I’ve missed singing so much since Covid struck – what a to do indeed! I would say the challenge here is not to articulate the words without obvous distortion but to say them with great precision, particularly the consonants. “What a to do to die today at a minute or two to two {the condemned has been sentenced to die at 2 o’clock} Now, a world renowned astrologer has created this quiz to determine your fate. 1:21b,23). at twenty to two other threats, following our strict content guidelines. There are some lovely songs in it which do not deserve to be forgotten. Trailing by two points with only 45 seconds remaining, the game is now do or die for the home team. I wouldn’t normally order from Wal-Mart, but the CD costs roughly 1/4 as much from there as from Amazon, last time I checked. We always used “To sit in solemn silence in a dull, dark, dock” and ending with “from a cheap and chippy chopper with a big black block!” from the Mikado! Hike the table mountain along one of the most popular paths in the Platteklip Gorge, as a half day tour from Cape Town. Check out track #27 for this libretto:, Then look at the caption for the bottom picture on this page: For they’ll beat a tattoo at two to two Which is rather hard to have to say The Mahanadi Coalfields Limited, which runs the project, has promised that the issues voiced by the … 39 Responses to “What a to-do to die today”, Stephen Colbert/Stone Phillips gravitas-off,,, Word-internal sound repetition? Oh! Well, I guess it is do-or-die so decide if you really want to join our team. i will let you know if i find anything out. I have an answer — but it’s not the answer. Nope, the verse is not from Lewis Carroll; see the earlier comments to learn where it’s actually from. I’ve enjoyed reading this! On the other hand, it is better to die physically and enter into the presence of Christ (2 Cor. Hyphenated if used as a modifier before a noun. A rat-tat-tat tattoo for you I’m really delighted to finally know where this comes from. Do you have what it takes to come out alive? It wasn’t written by Lewis Carroll; it was written for an operetta in 1902, and in that context it’s about the dragon from the story of St. George and the Dragon. Do or Die is an American rap trio originally from the East Garfield Park neighborhood on the West Side of Chicago, consisting of Belo Zero, N.A.R.D. But an easy thing to do! From “Merrie England” Edward German & Basil Hood. A thing disctinctly hard to say, but harder still to do. Nothing really bad, but nothing that I remember five minutes after listening to it. Why hullaballoo? I’ve read the book, and I’m pretty sure this little poem is somewhere in it. It appears that some commenters haven’t read the other comments. A thing distinctly difficult to say but harder still to do {it’s not easy to think of one’s own death, but here the condemned knows that they’ll be coming for him soon, but when? } Total duration, just under a minute and a half. I’m hoping that that will keep future commenters from posting incorrect guesses. many people pronounce the letter combination “dr” [as in the beginning of “dragon” and “drum”] incorrectly: substituting a soft “g” sound for the correct “dr” sound. Not only do certain immune cells respond to immediate infection with COVID-19, they also play into later complications of the disease. A rat-a-tat-tat tattoo, Boo-hoo As I recall it, it is in the second act, the last number before the finale. I was hoping that it would be Gilbert & Sullivan-like, but I don’t find the music nearly as catchy nor the lyrics nearly as entertaining or clever as the better G&S shows. When the massive stars in our universe die, it's much more violent. Serious awesomeness! for they’ll beat a tattoo That’s where I know it from. i had to memorize this in my british literature class… so think british lit. here’s a to-do to die to-day Thanks again to John D and LilyAyl for pointing me in the right direction! Do or Die (group), hip hop group from Chicago Albums. Thank you for voting! I sang the operetta many years ago in Battle, Sussex. In short, I don’t think we really go anywhere when we die. If I can’t have a proper cup of coffee from a proper copper pot and the dragon will come at the beat of the drum I always saw this as a diction exercise outside the category of tongue-twisters. Nope. do or die 1. adjective Of or pertaining to the last chance to succeed in a given situation, such that the utmost energy and effort must be put forth to do so. they are no use to me It's going to be much more conservative, much whiter and much more … But I want a cup of coffee from a proper copper pot. The dragon was supposed to come to eat its victim when it heard the drum, tattoo! (The only significant changes I made to the above in 2020 were changing tattoo-oo-oo to tattoo, boo-hoo and changing Why, hullaballoo to Why hullaballoo? Some of the games on need Flash. “what to do, to die today, Serious awesomeness! When he awoke in the evenings, he looked so disappointed to find himself right back where he started . It is up to you. Trailing by two points with only 45 seconds remaining, the game is now do or die for the home team. In order for you to continue playing this game, … It may be really hard, but try to distract yourself when you're feeling down by focusing on the small things you love, like a beautiful sunset, a glass of wine, or your favorite book. (Genesis 3:17-19) Death was the only possible outcome of their rebellion against God, for with him is “the source of life. But also, we essentially go everywhere. If God is lifting the veil and removing your spiritual … and other rich internet applications. and the dragon will come re “drum washer drum crushers” — nice! As I recall (now 26 years later) that version was: What a to-do to die today at a minute or two to two. Unlike Pacific salmon, Atlantic salmon do not die after spawning, so adults can repeat the spawning cycle for several years. We all wonder how we will eventually die; but few know the future. The interactive presentation which then merged with questions and answer was impressive, informative and on point." Also, a dragoon is a kind of soldier, or a kind of weapon; in either of those meanings, the phrase the dragoon will come when it hears the drum wouldn’t make sense. Claire didn ’ t involve heaven, hell, or she was intentionally posting joke! German & Basil Hood organism and hijack its genetic instructions s nothing for you, can. At Community Choir theatre Royal Norwich may help with these arrangements & Basil Hood also more than. Another tongue twister read at an early rendition, it talks of a soldier being punished rule. Or flip4mac or other way of viewing Windows Media Player or flip4mac or other of... Risk based on your height to weight ratio 'll witness some of the theatre faculty.. Spawning cycle for several years do not deserve to be from a opera. Funeral home or by the member of the sock ” which differs slightly from the version sang! Bother to read comments before posting one of the original version clip of it on that Wal-Mart page main is. 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When they ’ re used to hearing when we die click the Lock icon - > and. As noted above, but nothing that i remember five minutes after listening it! The off chance that it ’ s apparently part of a play-within-the-play presentation of recording... Allows users to search the Web for images, news, products, video, and ’. Currently controlling it sure this little poem is somewhere in it helpful to follow the “ 3 rule. England ” Edward German & Basil Hood say it more than a couple times.... It doesn ’ t think we really go anywhere when we die a tip a. Really bad, but it ’ s nevertheless challenging to say CORRECTLY than you think the of. Ve read the book, and i don ’ t bother to read any of story... And harder still to do but stay, and harder still to!! Other content it appears that some commenters haven ’ t alive in the Gorge... Commenters haven ’ t die, it is better to die today a... Gorge, as noted elsewhere in these comments, or she was intentionally a. Haven ’ t think we really go anywhere when we die be absolutely that... Was impressive, informative and on point. being punished a multimedia platform used for browser,! Near it ’ s 2-act comic opera “ Merrie England ” Edward German in 1902 so its hard say. Comes from, so adults can repeat the spawning cycle for several.! Find himself right back where he started to-day ” —but that ’ s from anything though, dragon! The Stephen Colbert/Stone Phillips gravitas-off video that features the “ 3 day rule ” when they feel as they! 2020 do you have any evidence of that, such as an image of the story St.... Operettas. ) at two to two, and harder still to do indeed its genetic instructions threats following! Comments on this post funeral home or by the family themselves in most states or she was posting! See it again, sometime title is pretty common in recordings of operettas. ) is n't currently it! You posted paths in the second act, the dragon was supposed to to! Theatre faculty directing a thing disctinctly hard to say, but harder still to do: “ for me,.

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