contacting your spirit guide
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contacting your spirit guide

contacting your spirit guide

She has devoted her studies to shamanic traditions, ancient civilizations, past lives, galactic activations, and vibrational healing, seamlessly weaving empowered spiritual guidance with effective transmutative healing. There is no training required in learning how to contact your Spirit Guides rather a gentle and loving heart will draw in exactly the blessings you seek. In particular, the days on and around October 31 to November 2 are a transformational portal on the wheel of life. In our culture, we are familiar with Halloween or All Hallows Eve. When you are ready, relaxed, and willing to allow the messages to come to you, ask that the most loving energy willing to assist you to be called forth now. In the bliss of the abyss, call in your personal Guides and Angels. See yourself leaving through the same means you entered taking any paths you may have ventured. Sharing your blessings with them and acknowledging their part goes far! Through daily prayer, mediation, creation of art, music, food, and ceremony, the ancestor spirits can communicate, guide, protect, and heal the living. Pay attention to everything you experience for it is their direct way of being in communication with you now. You may choose to write down your experience or take a nap to integrate. },{ "step": [{ When we can embody the raw attributes of animals, we can be imbued with courage, focus and transcendence. With whom do you wish to work? No request will be too big or too small, too weird or too much. ", }. Light a candle, dim the lights, clear your clutter and create a peaceful space. All Rights Reserved, Using Social Media to Determine Your Psychic Abilities Test. Keep in mind that your spirit guide … This book contained very good instructions for contacting your spirit guide. Do Jesus, Dionysius, Krishna, And Mithras Share The Same Life Story? "name": "Call in Protection" When I was contemplating my move from Chicago to Colorado, I asked for a sign to affirm my decision. See yourself having a conversation with someone who has passed to spirit. Let’s face it; life on Earth can seem downright exhausting, confusing, and terrifying at times, but learning to connect with your guardian angel can help you navigate the turbulent waters and sail to smoother seas once again. If you are familiar with any form of divination, such as tarot cards, scrying, runes, or automatic writing, you could try contacting your spirit guide in this way. }] Ask clearly. "text": "Set no expectations – this way of being is rarely like fireworks! It can actually be the difference between having a lucid experience and struggling to get past the white noise and … Contacting Your Spirit Guide is divided into two parts. If you don’t have a lot of experience connecting to your guides and want a little help, healing crystals can be a fantastic tool. And in the Celtic tradition, Samhain, which observes the transition time between the two worlds. Expressing thanks aloud will give your ceremony extra credence as it shows them resolutely you know they are there and are willing to bring your voice and your will to the reality of their presence. Soul fragmentation occurs when we leave behind pieces of ourselves (in both physical and non- physical realities). Demonstrate your faith, trust, and belief in the existence of your Spirit Guide by asking, in the form of a prayer, for his or her name. Request that they deliver you a clear message of contact. As with breath, this communication with Spirit is our most primal and it cannot be done from the mind. It is in this space that we are open, available and altered enough from our everyday spaces to meet with our Guides", If you choose, you can mindfully reconnect to these ancient practices while the veil between the two worlds is open this time of year. Synopsis. "name": "Living in the Sacred Everyday" With clear focus, we can call in the beings most suited to answer our queries. "text": "Chant “Om” (Phonetically, this sounds like: AaaaUuuuMmmm) seven times to align your energy with that of the divine. ", Inwardly, call in your s pirit guide. CONTACTING YOUR SPIRIT GUIDES WITH JADE KYLES: When talking about Spirit Guides, I refer to the advanced spiritual energies that teach, guide, create, heal or support us while on this journey on earth. The wisdom it can deliver is often beyond anything our brains can think up, and the feeling that someone has your back at all times is priceless. Envision yourself in a pyramid of white light and let these energies wash away anything not of your highest living good. },{ To become a clear channel, simply relax, trust and allow yourself to feel their loving presence. Carry a pure directive in your heart and you will attract the loving energy of the Guide most suited to assist you. Ways to contact your guide: Be clear You can ask your guide anything. This is not always a literal doorway… sometimes we see it as a cosmic space, sometimes a beautiful landscape that inspires wonder or bathing yourself in a vibration of color. My secondary Spirit Guide is named Rupert. This is a sign that your spiritual guide is trying to tell you something important. If you find yourself tense, stretching can alleviate some of this built up energy. The blessing could be a healing or an activation of your psychic skills. It’s not something you can apply for on LinkedIn. These will form your ritual space and amplify the intentions of your connection. Different from Angels, they are not devoted to human expansion, rather they are in loving service to the planet. Another way to contact your spirit guides is through lucid dreaming – this is where you become conscious within the dream state and can proceed to ask your guides to appear. St Germain, Buddha, Jesus, Metatron and Quan Yin are among the many faces of these guiding forces which are readily available to us and will often appear in our meditations. Try these 5 emotional first aid techniques. They willingly help individuals when respect and honor of the Earth has been consistently demonstrated. Water is an excellent energy conductor, and by utilizing your own spiritual energy, you can connect to the other side. In this beautiful book Psychic medium Sylvia Browne gives you all the information you'll need to help you find your spirit guides. If working on self-healing, gentle loving energy may be a perfect partnership – think Quan Yin or Mother Mary. You may feel yourself a bit altered after these encounters, take that as a sign in your body that something had indeed occurred! How to Find Your True Spirit Animal or Totem Guide, Ram Dass and Timothy Leary; A Friendship Beyond Space and Time, The Story of Santa Claus Might Come From Mushroom-Eating Shamans, How to Connect With the Divine Energy Your Higher Self Holds, The Eight Stages to Immortality and Contentment, Sacred Water: Connecting to Water Through Ritual and Reverence, Rainbow Body 101: Everything You Didn’t Know, Sekhmet, the Egyptian Goddess of War and Female Empowerment, Ancient Egyptian Initiation: The Seven Gates. Rather with patience and trust, you will find yourself in communion with the divine energy forces at work all around you. Our spirit guides can guide us with anything from finding a car park to healing a broken heart, from... 2. Anytime you wish, you have the option to contact your spirit guide—a powerful energy that is dedicated to watching over you, supporting you, and … To be in intimate connection with these guiding benevolent forces gives us strength, hope and direction in a challenging world. Set no expectations – this way of being is rarely like fireworks! This could be guidance, insight or a sneak peek at what’s in store. On Contacting Your Spirit Guides… Each of us is aided and supported by entities from other dimensions, guardian angels, spirit guides, ancestors and soul mates who have a vested interest in seeing that we follow through on our life’s purpose. Here are the best ways to be in communication with these beneficent forces: As with all ceremonies, your physical environment should be prepped to support these subtle energies. If you do not explicitly give permission, you may miss their encounters and simply enjoy the rest offered in this sacred space. All spiritual endeavors (heck, all endeavors!) Start a spirit guide journal. If we are seeking profound teachings, an Ascended Master like St. Germain or Buddha may be more suited. I lost my own father early in life. In the quiet center where the mental chatter ceases is where you will find the whisperings of your Spirit Guides. "@type": "HowToStep", If you do not explicitly give permission, you may miss their encounters and simply enjoy the rest offered in this sacred space. ", "@type": "HowToStep", 5. If you like, do a prayer to ask for spiritual support as you make contact with your spirit guide. Talk about cosmic confirmation. With clear focus, we can call in the beings most suited to answer our queries. A simple clearing will bless yourself and the space. Also included is a New section "A Day in the Life of a Spirit Guide" where Sylvia writes intimately about her own spirit guides, how they first contacted her as well as a portrayal of a typical day in the life of a spirit guide as told to Sylvia by her guide Francine. Follow Rock ‘n Roll Shaman on Facebook and Instagram. "@type": "HowToStep", As your breathing slows and sacred space is activated, you may notice a shift in your being. We are blessed with love reverberating through us always. Our first place of love and connection, it is our Ancestors who can most readily assist us. Bring into this setting any objects of power which hold significance – crystals, sacred objects, and spiritual art. "text": "Envision yourself in a pyramid of white light and let these energies wash away anything not of your highest living good. When I started working with my spirit guides I spent a long time waiting for them to... 3. With a thriving practice in Colorado’s foothills, Andye is passionate about sharing her knowledge and allowing her clients the space to embrace their own innate wisdom and tap into their highest potential. There are many way to contact your spirit guide. The desire to communicate with our ancestors is an innate part of the human experience. We in the West however have fallen out of partnership with lineage spirits, preferring the omnipotent Angels. "name": "Sacred Sounds" Though we’ll use the term interchangeably, here are the most common Spirit Guides which you may encounter: Most prevalent and trusted, it is the Angels who are in devotion to humanity. (In case you didn’t know, Spirit Guides are helpful energies like Ascended Masters, Angels, or deceased loved ones who guide and help you on your life path.) Contacting our Spirit Guides is one of the most readily available gifts to humanity. "@type": "HowToStep", Your connection will likely be different than you expect, and it may be very subtle at first, but by continuing to focus on that subtle experience of contact, it deepens and becomes clearer. should be carried out with clear intention. When you are ready, relaxed and willing to allow the messages to come to you, ask that the most loving energy willing to assist you be called forth now. Relax your body and let go of any expectations you may have about what it's like to connect and make contact with your spirit guides. You can use something as easy as guided meditation or you can go for something a bit more experienced like transcendental meditation, hypnosis, and so on. These will form your ritual space and amplify the intentions of your connection. },{ Contacting Spirit – Channeling Your Spirit Guide. Gratitude is our way of opening to more blessings when we can be humble and acknowledging of those that have already been granted. "name": "Give thanks" },{ ", I wish the messages were always blazingly clear, but this is often not the case. Holding your pendulum still in front of you, ask your spirit … Breath is among our most available treasures and the surest way to bring ourselves into the present moment. "@type": "HowToStep", If contacting your spirit guide is something you wish to learn more about, you could benefit from reading this book. To only visit once shows little regard for the relationships formed. Close your eyes. Some major religions, such as the Catholic faith, honor the deceased on All Saints Day and All Souls Day with prayers, candles, incense, chanting, ceremony, and offerings. Through this work, I have been able to reconcile deep wounds and karmic patterns that stem back even beyond my Dad, but also to my deceased grandparents and living family. 11 Simple Ways To Connect With Your Spirit Guides 1. As with all spiritual work, the dictates of your heart will call in like frequencies. This is a sure way they can express their presence and they are happy to oblige so long as you ask! Your spirit guide can make themselves known to you in all kinds of ways. In the lingo of modern mystics, a spirit guide is a nonphysical being assigned to help a soul attain its greatest potential on Earth. Preparing for Contact with Your Spirit Guides Before you can make active contact with your guides, putting in a little groundwork can pay huge dividends. Chant “Om” (Phonetically, this sounds like AaaaUuuuMmmm) seven times to align your energy with that of the divine. should be carried out with clear intention. This is somewhat foolish for it is the ancestor’s commitment to the healing of their own descendants which make them arguably our strongest assets in the Spirit Realms. In the first section, Sylvia Browne helps you find your spirit guides – the entities who are designated by you and God to assist you with life and give you guidance. I saw 3 shooting stars in a night, was given a book the next day by a friend on native plants of Colorado and was invited by another to visit her in the Western plains to see if I liked her area! Share with them your intention and give them clear permission to join with you. "text": "In the bliss of the abyss, call in your personal Guides and Angels. This could be guidance, insight or a sneak peek at what’s in store. In the first section, Sylvia Browne helps you find your spirit guides--the entities who are designated by... Free Shipping on all orders over $10. Known as the Rock ‘n Roll Shaman, Andye brings a spirited personality and vivacious attitude to the healing realms. "name": "Ask for a message or a blessing" Without stress or strain, they are always near awaiting an opportunity for connection, guidance and insight. See yourself leaving through the same means you entered taking any paths you may have ventured. "name": "Relax and Breathe" We all have our own entries to the beyond and you will soon discover that which is best for you, You will notice an expanse of infinite space around you. With these myriad spiritual energies surrounding us all the time, it is of greatest benefit to hear the lessons they are offering us which will aid and ease our human experience. We easily forget the ease of this gentle process! Ancestral communication has been an ancient practice in every wisdom tradition throughout time. I wish the messages were always blazingly clear, but this is often not the case. A dear friend of mine’s Spirit Guide is named Zora. The messages will sweep over you as gently as the wind and it is only your ability to receive that will block your connection. Two days before the Day of the Dead, I decided to take a walk in the main plaza to enjoy the night air. Your ability to connect with your ancestors is always available. ", "@context": "", If you find yourself tense, stretching can alleviate some of this built up energy. Ask your Guides to help you with this with zero stress… they know the way! You may see them, feel their presence, hear them communicating, or somehow just know they are there. },{ Dozens of families from surrounding villages were joyfully creating altars, cooking and sharing food, lighting candles, putting up photos of their deceased, and playing music all around the central plaza. With whom do you wish to work? Many assistants are in place to ensure our spiritual well being and evolution. "text": "Focus on your light body for this is the aspect of you that is pure spirit Spirit guides can have unlimited shapes and forms. "@type": "HowToStep", Once you have reached the place where you can meet your spirit guide, you should be ready to make a connection with it. On many occasions, this is for me the most magical of all forms of communication! James Van Praagh reminds us we are spiritual beings having a human experience. It’s the mid-point between fall and winter, the death and dying season. Ask for a sign in your day-to-day life that affirms your connection and the messages they offer. ", "name": "Go through the “Door”" But spirit guides can’t intervene in our lives unless we ask, so it’s important to make contact and build a relationship. A link to reset your password has been sent to you. },{ Tree spirits, fairies, Air and Water beings will all fall under this category. This is a time to create family altars, perform ceremonies with the ancestors, and layout offerings of flowers, incense, crystals, art, and food. { This kindlebook of Spirit Guides; Spirit Guides For Beginners: The Complete Guide To Contacting Your Spirit Guide And Communicating With the Spirit World (Spirit Guides, Spirits, Channeling, Auras, Meditation by Mia Rose contains among the following details; first steps and safety steps for meeting your guides, the consideration of keeping a journal when it comes to spirit guide communication, why patience is vital when making an efforts/attempts at spirit guide … "text": "When walking through these sacred dimensions, we must take precautions to return the ways we came. We live in a free-will universe where our command is the most respected and honored of all sacred laws. I use the instructions in this book, every day. Recognizing the wisdom of the animal kingdom, shamanic cultures work with Power Animals as personal totems of power. There is no need to feel rushed nor hurried. Last year at this time, I was in southern Mexico, in the city of Merida, studying the Mayan tradition. ", Your guide might be a deceased relative who communicates with you in a way that you recognise, or the energy feels familiar. With a degree in psychology and a decade spent in corporate America, Andye admitted talking to angels and spirit guides was more fulfilling, and left the nine to five behind. },{ You will notice an expanse of infinite space around you. When walking through these sacred dimensions, we must take precautions to return the ways we came. Spirit Guide Contact Through Lucid Dreaming. I would like to share a little information on contacting your SPIRITUAL GUIDES. Replying to the request from their own bloodline, they act as fierce and protective Spirit Guides and should be our first point of contact. See yourself walking through a “doorway” into another dimension. At this point you’ll state a prayer to invite your spirit guide to contact you. It is in this space that we are open, available and altered enough from our everyday spaces to meet with our Guides. To retrace carefully your steps ensure you gather all aspects of yourself and can bring our full power and potential back to you now. Instead, know this place of loving support is available to you always and make use of it! Posted on by . Buy a cheap copy of Contacting Your Spirit Guide book by Sylvia Browne. What questions are you hoping to address? Like a budding friendship, getting to know them is natural and easy. I continue to refer to this book, even to this day. },{ Meditation is a safe way to contact your spirit guide. Guardian Angel, spirit guide, spirit animal, Higher Self…whatever you want to call it, more people than ever wish to contact these otherworldly beings. You can call on your spirit guides through meditation, and following your meditation you can free-write and allow the voice of your guides to work through you. As with all ceremony, your physical environment should be prepped to support these subtle energies. "text": "With each breath, allow your awareness to deepen and become softer. "name": "Invite in your Spirit Guides and Angels" If you think of all humans as undergraduates in the school of life, says Nuur, think of spirit guides as tenured professors. Bring into this setting any objects of power which hold significance – crystals, sacred objects and spiritual art. Contacting Your Spirit Guide… Set your spiritual intent to contact your spirit guide. },{ To only visit once shows little regard for the relationships formed. Ancestral communications is an ancient and daily practice found in many cultures around the world, including Mayan, Celtic, Aborigine, Indigenous American, Ancient Greece, Ancient Eurasia, African Tribal, Tibetan, and the Vedic/Yogic traditions. The African wisdom traditions honor this ancestral blessing inherently. },{ As a child psychic, she quickly realized there was more to reality than what most people could see or touch. This too is a flexing of our free will… and we are dense and doubting creatures. You will then begin to see that name in very unusual places and circumstances; a sign that the spirit guide … This is not always a literal doorway… sometimes we see it as a cosmic space, sometimes a beautiful landscape that inspires wonder or bathing yourself in a vibration of color. The Day of the Dead maintains the spiritual essence of ceremony, honor, and communication in the deeper regions of Mexico. Working with a guide helps you feel like you aren’t alone. I tend to visit not just when I need help but anytime. Channeling is one way but often experienced mediums and “psychics” use the phrase “channeling” to imply their guides will speak through them to impart knowledge to those listening. ", Please do not feel bad asking and instead see this as their devotion and love for you put to work! We intuitively sense their presence in our wisdom bodies and it begs the question: can we communicate with them? You can select a name for your spirit guide to develop a unique relationship with it. Sacred space is best honored when we recognize it is a thriving part of our reality. Inwardly, call in your spirit guide. Relying on the truth found in Akashic Records, her work delivers conscious expansion and peace of mind to clients from all walks of life. },{ The most profound of all sacred sounds is our own voice. Therefore, it’s a powerful time to communicate with one’s ancestors. A gifted medium, healer and intuitive, Andye Murphy walks with a foot in both worlds. Before long our ability to receive these messages can occur outside of sanctioned ritual and we begin to receive messages all the time. Elements of these beautiful ceremonies and altar practices can be observed in our modern Halloween by way of candles in jack-o-lanterns, candy offerings, and festivities. "text": "Gratitude is our way of opening to more blessings when we can be humble and acknowledging of those that have already been granted. Yet few of us may remember how. Please don’t see this as “telling them what to do,” rather it is a way of loving reassurance that will bolster your faith in them. In Mexico, they celebrate the Day of the Dead (Dia De Los Muertos). I encountered a celebration amongst the locals. "@type": "HowToStep", They like to know their efforts are not only appreciated but are working to help us be better humans. No strain nor stress. "@type": "HowToStep", No matter what form your spirit guide takes, they are there to guide, warn, teach, support, remind, comfort, and reveal … Because of the fact our spirit guide or guides, depending on the person, are always around us, attached to us by energy, the simplest way to contact them is through water. This article offers guidance on how to create a beautiful ceremonial journey to communicate with your ancestors. 1. Name Validation. Don’t forget to rely on a professional if you want to try a similar practice. Another way you can experience the presence of a spirit guide is through writing. "@type": "HowToStep", Ancestral work can transform the karmas of past generations, as well as work into the current and future generations for healing. No strain nor stress. Halloween or All Hallows Eve literally means Holy Night or All Saint’s Night. Laying down is also a grand idea but don’t make yourself too comfortable or you may find yourself wonderfully asleep! Share with them your intention and give them clear permission to join with you. To establish first contact with your spirit guide, find a quiet area and sit in a relaxed position. },{ ", "name": "Open yourself to Subtle Frequencies" Divination . As spirit, say "hello" to your spirit guide. You will quickly discover chanting to be a perfect portal to contacting your spirit guides. This is necessary to achieve the meditative state where you and your spirit guide will meet for the first time. Someone you love would be ideal, for instance. This is a sacred place where you can write your guides a letter and ask them for assistance in specific ways. "name": "Return" It is a time to honor and communicate with those that have taken their spirit walk, ancestors, and the holy or saintly ones. This is the turning on of your light body which will magnetically attract the Spirit Guides, Angels and Ascended Masters. To find yourself in the stillness of breath will open potent gateways to spirit. "name": "Set the Mood" We live in a free will universe where our command is the most respected and honored of all sacred laws. "description": "How To Contact Your Spirit Guides: 14 Steps For A Loving Connection", Chanting is the process by which we make the sounds of the universe. Paramhansa Yogananda: A Mahayogi Comes West, Turquoise: A Healing Master Stone of the Ancients, Sai Baba of Shirdi: Creator, Sustainer, and Destroyer of Universes, What Astrological Element Am I? Rather with patience and trust, you will find yourself in communion with the divine energy forces at work all around you. Spirit Guides are among our greatest allies and grant us both protection, vision and courage to help us navigate the unseen realms. "name": "How To Contact Your Spirit Guides", "@type": "HowToStep", In it, you’ll learn 10 of the best crystals for connecting to Spirit Guides. Start to open up your awareness of their presence. Their messages may come as visions, impressions, smells or thoughts. Light a candle, dim the lights, clear your clutter and create a peaceful space. What questions are you hoping to address? 5. My main Spirit Guide’s name is Penelope. Our unique blend of yoga, meditation, personal transformation, and alternative healing content is designed for those seeking to not just enhance their physical, spiritual, and intellectual capabilities, but to fuse them in the knowledge that the whole is always greater than the sum of its parts. Forging this relationship must be viewed as one of the fundamental practices to spiritual development. With each breath, allow your awareness to deepen and become softer. We all like to be appreciated and this small act from you will ensure you continue to incur their goodwill. You will quickly discover chanting to be a perfect portal to contacting your spirit guides. Laying down is also a grand idea, but don’t make yourself too comfortable or you may find yourself wonderfully asleep! 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